BadDecissions: This is my real complaint about the game. Mostly I like it--I don't recall "forced contrivances and all around character stupidity"--but it was very frustrating to realize that I wasn't actually going to be able to make a difference in how the story turns out. If they continue with the mage/templar story in DA3, I'm hoping to be able to act much more meaningfully and decisively (Crush the templars! Viva la revolution!).
Nergal01: Well, they couldn't have too much diversity in the endings. They had a sequel to plan, after all. -___-
What I mean by contrivances and stupidity is 1.) Anders going full retard on you and blowing up the very people who might have helped him over time in a hamfisted reference to 9/11. 2) the game completely undermines Meredith and what she stands for by the convenient revelation that she's been driven mad by the macguffin we found and lost 30 hours ago -_-; 3.) Orsino and his awesomely stupid plan to become a Harbinger or whatever it's called, no matter what. Plus the also convernient revelation that he's partially to blame for your mom's death. Which in itself was dumb and just a desperate to make him relevant somehow, since Orsino didn't really have any defining characteristics.
Spoilers end
I think that from a pragmatic standpoint, Anders' plan had a lot going for it; he wanted a full-out revolution, and he got one. He thought that as long as it was possible, Orsino would compromise away the freedoms he wanted, and he was completely right; the first thing he does after the explosion is tell Meredith that she can do anything she wants, search the tower and whatever, as long as she doesn't kill them. Since Orsino and the other mages weren't willing to stand up to Meredith, Anders created a situation where a peaceful resolution wasn't possible--they would fight like he wanted them to, or they'd be slaughtered. Their was no indication that the Chantry was ever going to come around ... all "Well I'm sorry you're suffering, really I am, but our religion says what our religion says."*
I didn't get the Orsino stuff with your mother, since I sided with the mages. I agree that he was a nonentity. When I think about it, I realize that what the game really needed to do was give him more face time, then have either him or Meredith as the last boss, depending on who you support; having to fight them both comes back to your (and my) complaint about it not mattering who you support.
*I think we were supposed to view the Chantry mother as some sort of saint, but I can't say I liked her very much.