Niggles: Both CK and Sims 3 have had DLC for a long time. Not sure what the issue is here? (especially sim3 - sims 2 had them as well.)
In SIms 3's case most of the DLC looks and feels more like mini expansions (content and price arguably about right) than tiny dlc's (which is what most of CK's bar 3-4 - dont ask me which ones)
With The Sims series you're paying for similar expansions for each game iteration. In other words there's a pet expansion for each game, a magic oriented one and so on. I can certainly see how some players would be put off by that fact. It would obviously be better for the end user if all the content from the previous version was rolled into the next one, but The Evil Empire is never going to do that sadly. Plus- it's over four hundred dollars which is why it made the short list.
kodeen: Train simulator makes sense to me. Think of DLC's as items at the hobby store; you wouldn't go there and buy them out.
The other games ... yeah, that's a bit silly.
I've heard this argument before about this series, not sure I fully agree with- though I see where you're coming from. I've also heard that the downloadable content in the Train Simulator series transfers over with each new iteration- which I think is a fantastic idea.
Editcmdr_flashheart: I definitely think so. I can't remember what game it was, but it had the shittiest DLC I had ever come across; not only is the main game overpriced (but good fun, more or less), but to add an overpriced, useless DLC on top of that? Just parting fools with their money, at that point.
e: the game was Divinity Dragon Commander
But honestly, I don't mind DLC which serve as
meaningful expansions, like the Skyrim DLC, or the ones for Fallout New Vegas- they not only add to main game, but are self-contained games themselves, for which I wouldn't mind paying a bit more.
It's worth pointing out that Bethesda Softworks- doesn't spam downloadable content like say Electronic Arts or Paradox Interactive. That alone makes a huge difference in perception.
- Ryan Paul Fialcowitz