ydobemos: I didn't like it even in 2000. Diablo was excellent and provided excellent material for a sequel, but Diablo 2 somehow managed to be boring.
In a way I agree, Diablo had a great atmosphere, that was missing in Diablo II. I also thought Diablo II looked worse too (e.g. the torches that cast shadows).
pds41: I really enjoyed Diablo II. As the graphics were pre-polygon, I don't think they have really dated, and in 800x600 it looks really good (although my monitor only goes up to 1280x1024, so the distortion isn't too bad). They're from the golden era of Blizzard games - before it all got too cartooney with Warcraft III.
Are you suggesting that Warcraft II isn't cartoony?
I never understood why people criticize things being "cartoony". Do you hate Akira and Princess Mononoke because they are cartoons? I think that's sad.