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Elmofongo: I am expecting it but I am not gonna quit like a rage-qutting pussy who blames the game or blames hackers and not himself I mean fuck I beat GTA 3 on the PS2 and that game was bullshit hard
Rohan15: Snipers that can actually snipe are a pain in the ass. i should know, I'm one of them :D
Does proning on the ground make sniping better for you :)
Elmofongo: I am expecting it but I am not gonna quit like a rage-qutting pussy who blames the game or blames hackers and not himself I mean fuck I beat GTA 3 on the PS2 and that game was bullshit hard
Rohan15: Snipers that can actually snipe are a pain in the ass. i should know, I'm one of them :D
Snipers that choose spots that are unreachable and require glitching to get to though, Is quite unfair. (There are a fair few maps where one team has a ridiculous sniping advantage.)
Rohan15: Snipers that can actually snipe are a pain in the ass. i should know, I'm one of them :D
Elmofongo: Does proning on the ground make sniping better for you :)
No, just a bipod. Fixes everything :D
Elmofongo: Does proning on the ground make sniping better for you :)
Rohan15: No, just a bipod. Fixes everything :D
You can put stands on sniper rifles in Battlefield 3 I thought it was just for Light machine guns awsome
Post edited July 30, 2012 by Elmofongo
Thought I bump this thread incase anyone else shares what they want to say
I had a lot more fun with BFBC2, like some above posters. I enjoy BF3, too. But there's something about BFBC2 that's just more fun overall.

That said, once you play BF3, it's hard to go back to BFBC2 b/c it does have a lot of features that were missing. Jets and aiming are good and all, but the level design is so much better. They incorporate a lot of choke points in the maps, so you get a better feeling of taking and losing your position.

The rent-a-servers does suck. And I think it may be because of EA's bad losses that the rent-a-server system is up. If you have kids around, you can't play anymore on the off chance of a nudie pic showing up as a server banner. And you'll get back into stupid rules, clan-only or other annoying situations because of it.

Is it still a great game? It is. And EA says they'll keep the servers up through 2013, so that's another year and a half of play. BF4 comes out in 2014.

I got BF3 as a gift, but I might have lifted my EA purchase ban for BF3. It's a good game.
Tallima: I had a lot more fun with BFBC2, like some above posters. I enjoy BF3, too. But there's something about BFBC2 that's just more fun overall.

That said, once you play BF3, it's hard to go back to BFBC2 b/c it does have a lot of features that were missing. Jets and aiming are good and all, but the level design is so much better. They incorporate a lot of choke points in the maps, so you get a better feeling of taking and losing your position.

The rent-a-servers does suck. And I think it may be because of EA's bad losses that the rent-a-server system is up. If you have kids around, you can't play anymore on the off chance of a nudie pic showing up as a server banner. And you'll get back into stupid rules, clan-only or other annoying situations because of it.

Is it still a great game? It is. And EA says they'll keep the servers up through 2013, so that's another year and a half of play. BF4 comes out in 2014.

I got BF3 as a gift, but I might have lifted my EA purchase ban for BF3. It's a good game.
DICE/EA said they are gonna support BF3 even after 4 is out because hey they did the same thing to 2
Battlefield 3 has regenerating health but I saw that in mutliplayer there is the ability to be a medic and drop health packs so the multiplayer in BF3 has limited health?
Post edited August 14, 2012 by Elmofongo
Bump to avoid making another thread

Thanks DICE you saved me $40 dollars on getting Battlefield 3 and Premium

So basically it is the TRUE complete edition for Battlefield 3 for $70,€60,£50
Post edited August 14, 2012 by Elmofongo
Bump ok tomorrow I am going to get Battlefield 3 Premium Edition and thus installing Origin in the Desktop so I need at least some updates from you guys is BF3 still worth and is Origin still the same or its better