jepsen1977: Actually he DID have a point. Skyrim is "Steamworks" game and that means it can ONLY be played on Steam and a simple Google search should have told that in 5 seconds so no need to ask about that here. This was clearly set up to bash Steam and nothing more.
Yes, you can choose to be a scumbag and pirate the game just as anyone can choose to steal something rather than pay for it. But no matter how you try to justify it you will still be a scumbag. It's a simple as this - if you don't want to use Steam then don't play any games that is on Steam and that includes Skyrim.
First of all thanks Psyringe for his struggle for defending reasoning and his stand against unfounded opinions and extra judicial punishments.
You sir can not throw bad-mouthful words to people at your will. Scumbag? A bag of scum? That is very heavy. And if you find rights to call me "scumbag" i can call you "real scumbag" or with much more worse insults.
I really didn't know about Skyrim until i asked here on forums. I am amazed at how many people waiting to declare someone a troll or plotter. Then throw any insult which come into their minds at that moment.
Let me tell you a story. Be ready. It will a long one.
I live in Turkey. I am playing games since i was about 13-14 years old. In the years when i was just a child there was nothing like "original game"(we were calling it this way). The games selling in shops were all "copy". (like you say pirate, it is another expression common in Turkey). The prices were about $2.5 - $10 or sometimes more if the game have many CD's. They weren't any "boxed" games but all games were in good CD cases with their manuals inside. Also aside from the CD itself has high quality, the press - the picture on the CD was great. I have a copy Starcraft CD from those days and it is the best CD i have ever seen. It is even 3 times better than the "original" SC now i own. It also has CD-key imprinted at the backside of CD. I will post a picture when i find it.
The original games were very very very expensive. They were very rare only sold certain games(i assure you very low), they were in only in the 2 or 3 biggest cities of Turkey, in certain stores. By being a child you have to travel to those cities and take money of at least $100 or more(plus the travel money) from your parent only to buy one certain game original while they earn not more than $300 - $500.
I remember at this time when i travel to Istanbul to a rich friend's house. We went to a mall. And i insisted him at least buying one "original game". Even he said, "What is the difference? Isn't it the same game? Why pay X amounts of money?" i insisted. I remember i trying to explain him that buying "copy" games is wrong and we have to support developers and company the game that brought us. I was just 14 i guess.
Even in the jungle of "copy" games, even in the times of poverty, i was trying, encouraging to buy "original games".
A lot of time passed on after that. In the time i was i military i made my girlfriend to buy "Baldur's Gate Collection" from Shipment payment was very high so we shipped it to her uncle living in America and take the game from him when he came to visit her in Turkey.
Years passed and Turkey's original game market developed. Now we can find virtually every game on market though new games, especially console ones are still excessively expensive. Most of them is %8 of my salary, while some of them is higher than %10 of my salary(%12 - %14) and my salary is considered a good one. Most of people paid by "minimum wage". If you have this kind of salary some new AAA titles for console are 3/1 of your wage = ) Though you can find old games being cheap to very cheap.(not the console ones, they are everytime expensive.)
In Turkey i don't know anyone around me beside my room-mate that buy original games. When i say someone that i bought they blame me being of stupid and chump. I couldn't even persuade my best friend to buy a $5 dollar original Starcraft. And he played this games for years.
I was away from the gaming industry for a while. For a loong while. In the meantime i was only playing Homam3, Starcraft, Dota or playing nothing. I studied economics at the university. But then i want to study computer programming and i educated myself. I now working in a company as a web developer. And i value the "free software" philosophy (software free not as in beer, but free as in speech) I use GNU/Linux as my main operating system for 6 years now. I only and only buy Windows for playing games and nothing else. I am dual-booting my OSes.
I recently started to work. And as soon as i started to work i bought myriad of games. My money wasn't enough so i borrowed from friends. Only on GOG i have 100 games exactly.
I have about 50 boxed games. On GG i have around 40. Then comes DotEmu, Amazon and Indie Bundles and some titles bought from their respective sites like "To The Moon".
In total have at least 200 games that bought only in 1 month. Only to pay my respect to developer and gaming world. All of DRM free. Plus i own Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable, Nintendo Wii. More benefits and money to the gaming world.
With all of these. I am the biggest scumbag of all. Ain't i?
Let's come to a conclusion. My roommate buys his games from Steam mostly. But until recently i didn't know Steam was a kind of DRM only. I assumed that Steam was only a shop. You can download and play freely. Think he only use it when he wants communicate with friends and for other features. What a fool i was. I had never think that if you want to play a game you bought, you have to go inside of that shop. Was not logical so i never think of it. I was optimistic. Then i've heard the rumors about Skyrim. I asked my room-mate about it and he said: "No, I don't think so. This game can not be Steam-only".
Then i came here and i asked my fellow forum friends here. But i found judgment and insults instead.
Words came to this i must explain. Of course you can choose not to share my opinion but here is "my opinion" and "experiences":
Using Windows was the constraint. Having obliged to pay and use an operating system because of games restricted mostly on Windows platform. It sucks, it really sucks. But i love gaming, i endured.
Then came this EULA's, NO-LAN, Online-Only, Steam-Only, rootkits(SecuROM, Tages etc..) Day by day freedom stripped away from us and they contiune to strip away it and will continue. Nowadays you can't even give a game you love to your friend. You have install rootkits in to your computer to play a game, you have to install client that decide for you, that scours your computer for information and share it with third-party partners. Only for playing games.
By using excuses like "piracy" (invented by media and fear of piracy promoted for certain goals) they are "using" us, they are "treating" us how they like. Installing rootkit for piracy is excuse me but for another "piracy"? Piracy to user rights? Piracy to your private rights? We are "thieves" for we "steal" from them? No. They are "stealing" from us. Our informations, our privacy, our freedom. They have to watch our every move because we paying customers are "potential criminals" aren't we? Maybe in future they want to watch us too by "Webcam-Alwasy-On". But you signed that agreement right? Oh ok, you accepted everything at the beginning.
It is enough that we swallow this "piracy" pill. It is enough for "company rights". Isn't it time for "our rights and freedom"?