jepsen1977: Just wanted to say I pretty much agree with most of what Siannah said. Skyrim is such a demanding game that most people that want it are serious gamers because it requires a gaming PC to run.
Erm ... no, it actually doesn't. I don't see how the requirements matter (see below), but Skyrim actually surprised many people with its rather low requirements. The target platform for Skyrim was an Xbox 360. People with gaming PCs are _complaining_ that the game doesn't look as good as it could, and are hoping for a HD graphics pack. Actually these "consolized graphics" were among the bigger complaints in the official forums.
The game runs on a 2GHz Core Duo CPU. It even runs on non-gamer laptops, and even on Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics - and you can even set it to medium quality on the latter.
You are also underestimating the PCs that many "sometimes-gamers" have, specifically because they don't spend so much time to get informed. Just last month someone asked me how he should make backups of three important Excel tables; he had bought an 8 GB USB stick and wanted to know if that would be big enough ... it's an extreme example of course. But just do an experiment, go to a regular electronics store, say that you want an office PC that will also be able to run Civ4 or Oblivion well, and marvel at the recommendations you get ... ;)
But as I said above, I don't see how that matters for this particular discussion, that (much to my surprise) still hasn't ended. I even agree with the point that _most_ people who bought Skyrim are gamers. My point (that, somewhat surprisingly, seems to continually get lost and overlooked even though I mention it in every single post) was that games like Skyrim are interesting for a particularly large proportion of non-regular gamers as well, and that they therefore tend to trigger complaint waves by people who, when they buy that game, learn about Steam-exclusiveness of AAA titles for the the first time. And that it is therefore quite rude to assume that someone who opens such a thread is dishonest and just trolling.
jepsen1977: No, we can't know that his question wasn't honest but we also used language that would leave room for the fact that we could be wrong.
No. I really don't understand why we keep debating this, but your post reads:
"This was clearly set up to bash Steam and nothing more."
You haven't left "room for the fact that you could be wrong". With your statement, you (a) claimed that the OP's intention was not to ask his question, but to set up a Steam-bashing thread, (b) you claim that there can be no doubt about that ("clearly"), (c) you thereby accused the OP of dishonesty (because he had just in the post you replied to _denied_ exactly the thing that you accused him of). You then repeated some of these accusations in your next post.
I really don't understand how you can repeatedly claim that you haven't been rude. And I'm not even talking about the namecalling in your post because that (while still pretty hefty) was at least preceded by a qualificatory remark.
jepsen1977: But even if the OP is correct and I am wrong I don't see how that makes me rude? I questioned his motives and that is all
Read your post again - you didn't "question his motives", you outright accused him of setting up a bash thread without leaving any room for doubts.
If you had only "questioned his motives", then I still would have written a remark questioning the usefulness of bringing the discussion down to such a personal level (instead of focusing on the facts), but my response would have been a bit different.
jepsen1977: In RealLife I am one of the least confrontational guys around and I try to be nice to most (even if I don't always succeed) so being called rude by you is very weird to me. I see you are from Germany and I'm from Denmark so maybe there is a language barrier here but I don't think I was rude and I didn't intend it as such.
I can't really see how the sentence I quoted could have been meant in any other way that was then somehow distorted by a language barrier, but if you _did_ mean it differently, then it might be appropriate to take it back.
jepsen1977: Maybe the OP was honest and maybe he wasn't - I guess we will never really find out but atleast I enjoy the debate with you here since we can do it in a calm way.
Well, you _are_ acknowledging now (for the first time) that the OP may have been honest, which is good. I also agree that we cannot _know_ his intentions with certainty. I still think that it isn't useful to pull the discussion down to a personal level and speculate about his sincerity in the first place. But I appreciate the acknowledgement that you may have wrongly accused him.