Aside from the moral issues, you really should look into it.
I really think the ipad isn't optimal for what you need it.
I think some netbook still would be better, you can play some basic games,
they are affordable, the are very portable, and they consume less energy,
due to less powerful and hungry hardware and a smaller display, and you still will be able to use it,
to do your work that you have to do on the go, or during a reading.
Your papers will not say "owns an ipad" once you are through learning.
But if you are hellbent to get an tablet, then by now there are also many other tablet pcs out there,
that can multitask, that take other devices like usb drives, with which you can mess any way you like.
I know it's much more exciting to get an ipad, but keep in mind, it must serve your daily needs.
TheCheese33: I don't know, can your consciousness bare buying 360s, PS3s, Wiis, or any other popular electronic device that all come from Foxconn? As much as I'd love to boycott American Apparel, Nike, and every electronic manufacturer in existence, it's not practical.
Believe it or not, i own neither of those, and clothes from big brands are rare in my house,
so is gadgetry, i just don't see the need, but i'm a very practical person, as practical as musicians can be at least.
I'm sure there may be some things i wouldn't like in my pc, but i need it to survive myself, but i tried.
I get what you want to say though, sadly i know, it is almost unavoidable
not to support companies that treat their workers wrong,
or damage the planet in one way or the other, i'm aware of that,
but responsibility doesn't necessarily mean that.
Responsibility is not the same as an obligation, it leaves you choices.
You can ignore it, and if that's your choice, then i'm not in the position to mess with it,
but at least i made you aware of it.
No offense intended - well not much at least. ;D