Navagon: There are more factors to it than that. It really is sometimes simply a matter of genetics and/or psychology.
That is by far one of the major driving forces behind violence. More so psychology (whether it be illness, trauma brought on by a catalystic event, the environment around the person and so on).
Thing is, these sorts of people are more than willing to be narrow sighted.
Games may promote violence as a solution to
young, and particularly impressionable minds. Having said that, let's take a look around us. Violence readily available on TV, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles back in the 90's. No one cared about the violence, however, there were those same impressionable minds going around thinking that violence is the first and best solution. That's but one example, there are a lot of TV programs that are "innocent", yet promote violence as the solution.
The TV and movie industry is full of violence, among other things. While there are regulations in most countries, it's usually up to management on how effectively it is enforced.
As far as TV goes, well.. Say there's a murder mystery that the TV network is aching to use as filler, but it was such a bomb (straight to VHS/DVD sort of thing) that they don't consider taking up prime real estate, thus it's shown (especially around here) during midday.
The news isn't regulated, and sometimes you do end up seeing very unrelenting acts of violence that were caught on tape. Sure, kids don't care about the news. But how many parents are exceptionally mindful to usher their kids out of the room when they want to be "informed"?
Literature, whether it's young adult fiction or comic books. There is violence present a lot of the time, because as we all know, violence equals action.
How many fights occur in the school yard? And in some cases, how many of them turn into loss of life?
Violence is all around us, we're subjected to it on a daily basis and are rather blase about it all. "Oh my gosh, how terrible.. Did I floss this morning?"
But sure, let's focus on videogames as the ultimate evil in this world, rather than focusing on a lack of personal accountability.
Let's all blame the other guy, because we are above what is wrong.
"Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk. " - Carl Gustav Jung