I'm surprised nobody got that idea so far, but the Anti-Sale-Day (150% of the regular price) would perfectly fit for the LucasArts release day, so... LucsArts confirmed!
Nice he mentioned music sales, which indeed got a big bump after removing the drm. The problem here is that it was necessary back in the days to use your music on your devices/mobile, also the low pricing of digital music was very helpful. Personally I still buy my music, but while more and more Smartphones and Tablets (mostly Android and iOS) are being used for music listening, streaming services with a monthly flat rate (Spotify) are getting more and more popular, which in fact are using drm (a client or app is necessary for 30 days offline-mode). So yes, in first place drm-free was a success for music, because it was absolutely necessary, but in the future I would be very careful to use it still as an example for the drm-free revolution.
Post edited January 01, 2014 by DukeNukemForever