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iainmet: You do not need root to install APK files regardless of where you got them.

Go onto the Market / Play and get an Installer Application, the one I use is :

Thats it on the website but find it on the marketplace on your phone.

Download it and when you first run it the program will scan your SD card, anything that is an APK file will be in the list. All you do is tick the box to the right of the file and the program will install the program / game into your menu in the normal way.

No messing, all you need is to put the APK files onto the root or your SD card and sorted.
hedwards: Assuming that the OP has Googleplay or the market. Some phones don't have it at all and in some places it's not even offered. Although< I doubt that's Sweden.
Wait...not offered at all? Are you sure?
Serbia is as close as it gets to digital end of the world, but Google Play works as app store. Books and music on the other hand and also bunch of paid applications too, not so much.
IronStar: Wait...not offered at all? Are you sure?
Serbia is as close as it gets to digital end of the world, but Google Play works as app store. Books and music on the other hand and also bunch of paid applications too, not so much.
Yep, not offered at all. I haven't seen it here in China and when I looked online it's not offered at all. If I want apps, I have to go with a 3rd party appstore or sideload.
IronStar: Wait...not offered at all? Are you sure?
Serbia is as close as it gets to digital end of the world, but Google Play works as app store. Books and music on the other hand and also bunch of paid applications too, not so much.
hedwards: Yep, not offered at all. I haven't seen it here in China and when I looked online it's not offered at all. If I want apps, I have to go with a 3rd party appstore or sideload.
Is your phone rooted? If so, I have solution for you ;)
hedwards: Yep, not offered at all. I haven't seen it here in China and when I looked online it's not offered at all. If I want apps, I have to go with a 3rd party appstore or sideload.
IronStar: Is your phone rooted? If so, I have solution for you ;)
Strictly speaking, it's something that can be installed, it's just questionable if I could buy anything and I'd be in violation of the ToS. Personally, I've just been too lazy to do so
Nirth: Is this possible? after reading about root and the consquences about possible mishaps and loss of warranty I don't really feel it's safe to use it, android is based on linux and I've no experience with linux.

I'm trying to install Humble Bundle Android games and the beta application (I guess it's sort of a installer?) but neither works, the install button won't budge becauase I need root or something else.

The phone is Xperia Pro, far from high-end but I want to try the games at least.
You need to enable that option in the Settings menu. Then your phone will install any .apk you copy onto it. No need for root.

I don't know what version of Android you're running so I can't tell you exactly where to look in the Settings menu, but it's in there unless Android's been really, seriously modified.
Nirth: Indeed, the game in particular I wanted to try is the android version of Avadon The Black Fortress I bought at Humble Bundle. Well guess what? The issue wasn't root but size. my damn phone only has 400MB internal memory and of course I can't install on my SD cards so I had to uninstall a few apps to make room. Also, the game isn't supported and is only made for tablets.
When you see the Avadon running on an Android tablet, you'll understand why it refuses to run on phones. Its graphics are so small that it would be pretty much unplayable on phones.
iainmet: You do not need root to install APK files regardless of where you got them.

Go onto the Market / Play and get an Installer Application, the one I use is :;feature=related_apps#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwOSwiY29tLnJoeXRobS5oZXhpc2UuaW5zdCJd

Thats it on the website but find it on the marketplace on your phone.

Download it and when you first run it the program will scan your SD card, anything that is an APK file will be in the list. All you do is tick the box to the right of the file and the program will install the program / game into your menu in the normal way.

No messing, all you need is to put the APK files onto the root or your SD card and sorted.
Thanks a lot, I will try that one.

If I use FlashTool via Windows I can install APKs, it's really weird. It's like I have that option unchecked about 3rd party applications (I have unknown apps checked and debugging) but I can't find if there's any 3rd party option at all.

Also, apparently Windows update told me of an update about the ADB drivers on my phone so I'm going to try rooting it again after it, it could have been the reason it didn't work but I suspect it's the firmware.

Oh and yes, my phone has Google Play of course.

While that application certainly seems what I want and it's very small it doesn sport a visible ad and I don't really like ads at all. Do you know if there's a pro or donated version?
Post edited September 23, 2012 by Nirth
iainmet: You do not need root to install APK files regardless of where you got them.

Go onto the Market / Play and get an Installer Application, the one I use is :;feature=related_apps#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwOSwiY29tLnJoeXRobS5oZXhpc2UuaW5zdCJd

Thats it on the website but find it on the marketplace on your phone.

Download it and when you first run it the program will scan your SD card, anything that is an APK file will be in the list. All you do is tick the box to the right of the file and the program will install the program / game into your menu in the normal way.

No messing, all you need is to put the APK files onto the root or your SD card and sorted.
Nirth: Thanks a lot, I will try that one.

If I use FlashTool via Windows I can install APKs, it's really weird. It's like I have that option unchecked about 3rd party applications (I have unknown apps checked and debugging) but I can't find if there's any 3rd party option at all.

Also, apparently Windows update told me of an update about the ADB drivers on my phone so I'm going to try rooting it again after it, it could have been the reason it didn't work but I suspect it's the firmware.

Oh and yes, my phone has Google Play of course.

While that application certainly seems what I want and it's very small it doesn sport a visible ad and I don't really like ads at all. Do you know if there's a pro or donated version?
There is only a tiny ad bar across the bottom of the screen, I have never accidentally tapped it, it just doesn't get in the way whatsoever. I don't believe that there is a paid for version of it. There are a few other installers available on the market though. Reason I pointed to that one was literally because I have used it myself and it has worked perfect 100% of the time for me.
hedwards: Assuming that the OP has Googleplay or the market. Some phones don't have it at all and in some places it's not even offered. Although< I doubt that's Sweden.
IronStar: Wait...not offered at all? Are you sure?
I think GooglePlay (store) is available only for verified Android devices. A friend of mine ordered a very cheapo no-name Android tablet from some Asian online store, and it can't get anything from the official Android store. I got some error with it when I tried to go to the app market.

I googled for it before, and there's a list of all the verified Android devices that can connect to GooglePlay. I guess one of the reasons it wants to recognize your Android device it is so that GooglePlay will not display items for you that wouldn't work on your device anyway.

But I guess all Android-devices that they sell in normal shops, at least in the Western world, are verified & supported devices.
Dzsono: If timppu's suggestion doesn't work, have you ever used modded firmware? Cyanogen Mod is the most popular and is super easy to use and installation has very detailed walkthroughs. It does void the warranty, but if your phone is far from high end maybe you won't care?
I actually installed the Cyanogen Mod for our ZTE Blade, but for some reason the Huawei phone wasn't supported by CM, at least like a half a year ago. So, just reminding that not nearly all Android devices are supported by CM, unfortunately.

Actually, now I remember I reverted back the official firmware/Android version to the ZTE Blade later, because I couldn't figure out some of the settings for it to make the it connect to the operator network (it was not sim-locked, but it was missing some file or configuration which I'd have to get from my operator). Since even the Linux/Android-expert at my work couldn't help me there, I reverted back to official ZTE Blade Android just to be able to make damn calls with the device once again. :)
Post edited September 23, 2012 by timppu
IronStar: Wait...not offered at all? Are you sure?
timppu: I think GooglePlay (store) is available only for verified Android devices. A friend of mine ordered a very cheapo no-name Android tablet from some Asian online store, and it can't get anything from the official Android store. I got some error with it when I tried to go to the app market.

I googled for it before, and there's a list of all the verified Android devices that can connect to GooglePlay. I guess one of the reasons it wants to recognize your Android device it is so that GooglePlay will not display items for you that wouldn't work on your device anyway.

But I guess all Android-devices that they sell in normal shops, at least in the Western world, are verified & supported devices.
I know way around that too. My old Tattoo was, besides the fact it was displayed as Verizon Mobile instead of mt:s also displayed as Desire S on Play Store. just edit build.prop and et voila. :)
Post edited September 23, 2012 by IronStar
iainmet: There is only a tiny ad bar across the bottom of the screen, I have never accidentally tapped it, it just doesn't get in the way whatsoever. I don't believe that there is a paid for version of it. There are a few other installers available on the market though. Reason I pointed to that one was literally because I have used it myself and it has worked perfect 100% of the time for me.
Oh, it works, no issues. Just a qirk of mine, I don't like ads plus I've read reviews they drain battery and resources which both is very limited.
Dzsono: If timppu's suggestion doesn't work, have you ever used modded firmware? Cyanogen Mod is the most popular and is super easy to use and installation has very detailed walkthroughs. It does void the warranty, but if your phone is far from high end maybe you won't care?
timppu: I actually installed the Cyanogen Mod for our ZTE Blade, but for some reason the Huawei phone wasn't supported by CM, at least like a half a year ago. So, just reminding that not nearly all Android devices are supported by CM, unfortunately.
I'm sorry you had to go through so much trouble. The Cyanogen mod site explicitly states that Nirth's Sony Xperia is supported and the walkthrough provided is tailored for that phone, so the telecommunications gods have to be particularly vengeful for this not to work.
I found a root solution that worked for me:

I also managed to flash the firmware to 4.0 so now I have ICS even though it's not officially supported yet.

Time to play with root apps and uninstall facebook!