Gazoinks: How's the freeware version of La Mulana, is it significantly different from the paid version?
The freeware version is actually the original, and was released in 2005. There's a bit of work in setting it up. Unless you can read Japanese, you'll need to apply the English translation patch (easy, but I did need an additional step to correct a font issue), and I personally used Joy2Key for my gamepad as I didn't like the built-in support.
The game is a very deliberate homage to MSX games in general and Maze of Galious specifically, so the graphics and sound are 8-bit quality (here's a
The in-game notepad that Azilut mentioned does not exist in the original, so you're on your own for keeping track of clues and information (though even with the ability to record clues from the tablets, I would still have needed to write down other things as well).