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high rated
Congratulations to AFnord, Barnell, and Thespian* for winning this giveaway.


I have a key for the newly released Inherit the Earth. If you've registered in December 2012 or earlier (read: have been here for at least six months) you can enter for a random draw.

To enter, post funny videos or pictures of either pranks or examples of troll logic.
Keep it clean of course. Nothing about /b/rothers swarming some poor girl's twitter account or anything along those lines.

The winner will be selected the evening of this coming Thursday (June 6).

Tired memes that everyone hates by now


Thanks to a generous donation, I now have three keys for Inherit the Earth to give away. Thus I am extending the giveaway and will make the draw this Saturday.
Post edited June 08, 2013 by Aaron86
not in but
Thanks for the giveaway! Count me in :D

This one's old, but a classic:
JohnWalrus: Thanks for the giveaway! Count me in :D

This one's old, but a classic:
i remember that, one of the best trolling attempts ive ever seen
Thanks Aaron86 for your giveaway. +1!

Here's [url=]something that I should do[/url] whenever I get bugged about it. :)
Love this :);_ylt=An1qdKzFIz81NRLZJFSLftBJBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130428013344AAix5hw
Thanks for the giveaway. Skip to 2:30min into the video for the best prank.
This prank is pure evil. This is sort of funny. Perhaps insensitive to people with Tourettes so kind of crude too. I'm in, thanks.
Post edited June 04, 2013 by khnk222
khnk222: This is sort of funny. Perhaps insensitive to people with Tourettes so kind of crude too. I'm in, thanks.
The video stop working after half of a minute and it looks crude enough for me to like it :(
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm in.

As for funny trolling videos, check these guys:
I guess not in, as I'm having a bitch of a time tracking down a complete copy of the P-P-P-Powerbook saga :(
Still, thanks and +1!
Bababooey and cheers!

I'm in