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high rated
So yeah. I figured we could use a list like this somewhere, as we have a thread for free games but it doesn't seem to focus on RPGs, nor does it recognize RPGs out there that aren't so free, so here it is. I'll update it as I remember more but at this very moment, this was all I could remember. Right now, I've intentionally left out Amaranth and Aldorlea games since there are a lot of each of them.

Still trying to decide what all qualifies for the list, also, so if you want to contend anything I add to the list, by all means, feel free.

N/A means I couldn't find/didn't know/wasn't sure of the information at the exact time of writing. If you DO know the information, and it's not there, let me know and I'll fix it.

Everything on this list is playable. That was one of the requirements.

I am very strictly trying to stay away from roguelikes and Diablo-likes in this list.

Everything is in alphabetical order.

Name/Link - Year Released - Perspective - Battle system - Price - Direct Download Link.

Aethra's Chronicles - 1994 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free - Full version for DOS.
Age of Decadence - 2013 - Third-person 3D - Turn-based - $25 - Public beta for Windows.
Avernum: Escape From the Pit - 2012 - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - $10 (Steam)/$20 (direct) - Windows demo|Mac demo.
Aveyond: Rhen's Quest - 2006 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $20 - Windows demo.
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden - N/A - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free - Full version: |[url=]Mac.
- 2012 - First-person 2D - Turn-based - Free - [url=]Full version for Windows.
Cute Knight Deluxe - 2007 - First-person 2D - Turn-based - $10 - Windows demo|Mac demo|Linux demo.
Cute Knight Kingdom - 2009 - First-person 2D - Turn-based - $10 - Windows demo|Mac demo|Linux demo.
Dangerous High School Girls In Trouble! - 2008 - Turn-based - $20 - Windows demo|Mac demo.
Darghul Classic - 1994 - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - ~$8 - DOS Demo (German only).
Darklight Dungeon Eternity - 2012 - First-person 3D - N/A - $10 - Windows demo.
- 1993 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free - [url=]Full version for DOS.
Demise - 1999/2013 - First-person 3D - Turn-based - $32.50 - No demo available, Windows only.
The Desolate Hope - 2012 - Side-scrolling 2D - Real-time/Active time battle - Free - Full version for Windows.
Devil Whiskey - 2003 - First-person 3D - Turn-based - $25 - Windows demo.
Discord Times - 2004 - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - Comes with $15 Legends of Eisenwald pre-order - No demo available, Windows only.
Doom and Destiny - 2011 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $5 - Windows demo.
Dragon's Shard - 1992 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free - Full version for DOS.
- 2010 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $10 (Desura)/$20 (direct) - [url=]Windows demo.
Dungeon Master: Return to Chaos - N/A - First-person 2D - Turn-based - Free - Full version for Windows.
Enhanced Newcomer - 2001 - First-person 2D - Turn-based - Free - Full version: Part 1|Part 2|Part 3, Commodore 64 only.
Escape Velocity Nova - 2004 - Top-down 2D - Real-time - $30 - Windows/Mac demo.
Excelsior Phase One: Lysandia - N/A - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $15 - Shareware version for Windows (DOS version available upon request).
Excelsior Phase Two: Errondor - N/A - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - $15 - Windows demo.
Exile: Escape From the Pit - 1995 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $15 (Trilogy CD) - [url=]Windows demo pre-Vista[/url] (can be run in DOSBox configured for Win3.1).
Exile II: Crystal Souls - 1996 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $15 (Trilogy CD) - [url=]Windows demo pre-Vista[/url] (can be run in DOSBox configured for Win3.1).
Exile III: Ruined World - 1997 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $15 (Trilogy CD) - [url=]Windows demo pre-Vista[/url] (can be run in DOSBox configured for Win3.1).
Fabled Lands - N/A - Text-based - N/A - Free - Full version for Windows.
Fabula Divina - N/A - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free - Beta version for Windows.
Frayed Knights: The Skull of S'makh-Daon - 2011 - First-person 3D - Turn-based - $20 - Windows demo.
Gamebook Adventures - N/A - Text-based - N/A - $5 - No demos available, use link, Windows and Mac only.
- 2013 - First-person 3D - Turn-based - $25 - [url=]Windows demo.
Helherron - N/A - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free - Full version for Windows.
- 2008 - Side-scrolling 2D - Real-time - Free - [url=]Full version for Windows.
Homeland: Stone of Night - 2000 - Isometric 2D - Real-time - Free - Full version (requires patch).
Post edited December 13, 2013 by johnki
high rated
- N/A - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $5 - [url=]Windows demo.
Inaria Classic - 2005 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free - Full version for Windows.
- N/A - Third-person 3D - N/A - $13 - [url=]Windows demo.
Knights of the Chalice - 2009 - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - ~$23 - Windows demo.
- N/A - First-person 3D - N/A - $12 - [url=]Windows demo.
- 2005 - First-person 3D - N/A - Free - [url=]Full version for Windows|Full version for Mac.
Legends of Eisenwald - 2013 - Third-person 3D - Turn-based - $15 - No demo available, Windows only.
Loonyland 2 - 2007 - Top-down 2D - Real-time - $25 - Windows demo.
- N/A - Isometric 2D - N/A - Free - [url=]Full version for DOS.
- 2013 - First-person 3D - Turn-based - $25 - [url=]Windows demo.
Mark Leung: Revenge of the Bitch - N/A - Third-person 3D - N/A - $9 - Windows demo.
Millennium series - 2009-2013 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $14 - Windows demo: |[url=]2||[url=]4.
Miura Warrior - 2000 - Top-down 2D - Active time battle - Free - Full version for Windows.
Mordor: Depths of Dejenol - 1995 - First-person 2D - Turn-based - $10 - No demo available, Windows only.
- 1994 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free ($15 optional registration) - [url=]Full version for DOS.
- 1999 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $15 - [url=]Windows demo.
NEO Scavenger - N/A - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - $10 - Windows/Mac/Linux demo.
- 1999 - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - $15 - [url=]Windows demo|[url=]Mac demo[/url].
Nethergate: Resurrection - 2007 - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - $5 (Steam)/$15 (direct) - [url=]Windows demo[/url]|[url=]Mac demo[/url].
- 2012 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $15 - [url=]Windows demo.
Pirates of the Western Sea - 2002 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free - Beta version for Windows.
Prelude to Darkness - 2002 - Isometric 3D - Turn-based - Free - Full version for Windows.
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale - 2010 - Third-person 3D - Real-time - $20 - Windows demo.
Science Girls - 2009 - Isometric 2D/Top-down 2D - $10 - Windows demo|Mac demo|Linux demo.
The Spirit Engine 2 - 2003 - Side-scrolling 2D - N/A - Free - Full version for Windows.
Survival Crisis Z - 2004 - Isometric 3D - Real-time - Free - Full version for Windows (pre-Vista only).
Swords and Sorcery - Underworld Gold - 2012 - First-person 2D - N/A - $10 - Windows demo.
Telepath RPG: Servants of God - 2012 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $25 - Windows/Mac/Linux demo.
Terra Aegrus - 2006 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - Free (must request license from site) - Windows demo.
Terra Aegrus II: Rise of the Lich King - 2013 - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - N/A - Windows demo.
- 2003 - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - $15 - [url=]Windows demo.
The Three Musketeers: The Game - N/A - Top-down 2D - N/A - $20 - Windows and Mac demos.
Ultizurk Series - N/A - Top-down/Isometric 2D - Turn-based - Free - Multiple games, use link, DOS-only.
- N/A - Isometric 2D - Turn-based - $10 - [url=]Windows demo.
- N/A - Text-based - N/A - Free - [url=]Latest alpha for Windows/Mac/Linux.
Yendorian Tales - N/A - First-person 2D - Turn-based - Free - Book 1|Book 1, Chapters 2 and 3.
Yipe! 1 - N/A - Top-down 2D - N/A- $10 (trilogy) - Windows demo|Mac demo.
Yipe! II - 1997 (Mac)/2001 (Windows) - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $10 (trilogy) - Windows demo|Mac demo.
Yipe! III - 1997 (Mac)/2003 (Windows) - Top-down 2D - Turn-based - $10 (trilogy)/$5 (separate) - Windows demo|Mac demo.

End of list.
Post edited March 12, 2013 by johnki
You should add this. ;)
Doom & Destiny
I did something similar back in 2011 with the Recommended Indie Games and Where to Buy Them thread, but I didn't get the feeling that there was much interest in such a project and I guess it was mostly helpful for myself only. Anyway, feel free to browse the list, there might be a few indie RPGs in my old list that you didn't mention yet.
Leroux: Anyway, feel free to browse the list, there might be a few indie RPGs in my old list that you didn't mention yet.
Yeah, looks like I missed a few.

Also, side-note: very strictly trying to stay away from roguelikes and Diablo-likes.
triock: You should add this. ;)
Doom & Destiny

Also added Cardhalia.
Post edited March 11, 2013 by johnki
Leroux: Anyway, feel free to browse the list, there might be a few indie RPGs in my old list that you didn't mention yet.
johnki: Yeah, looks like I missed a few.

Also, side-note: very strictly trying to stay away from roguelikes and Diablo-likes.
You should probably print that in bold letters on top of the list, instead of adding it as a sidenote in a post here, as I bet there are lots of players who wouldn't immediately agree that they are to be excluded from a list with RPG in the name. The definition of "RPG" is a quite controversial topic, especially amongst those who think it isn't. ;)
There's the obscure indie RPG DBQuest. The game's about 20 years old. It's very similar to the Ultima titles circa IV and V. The developer seems to be (gradually) working on a remake or spiritual successor.
Post edited March 11, 2013 by SCPM
Also check out the RPG section of the Freeware thread, e.g. Dark Disciples.
SCPM: There's the obscure indie RPG DBQuest. The game's about 20 years old. It's very similar to the Ultima titles circa IV and V. The developer seems to be (gradually) working on a remake or spiritual successor.

Also added:
- Teudogar.
- Darghul Classic.

Can't believe I forgot those.
we talking completed or unfinished? ie kenshi is in perpetual alpha
nijuu: we talking completed or unfinished? ie kenshi is in perpetual alpha
Playable. It just needs an obtainable, playable version somewhere.

EDIT: For instance, Dragon Alpha was completed and on sale for a while but it's completely disappeared from the internet other than its Macgamefiles entry, so I wouldn't add that since you can't play it.

EDIT2: Added:
- Enhanced Newcomer.

And fixed Nethergate being ahead of NEO Scavenger.
Post edited March 11, 2013 by johnki
- Terra Aegrus ( ).
- Terra Aegrus II: Rise of the Lich King ( ).

Haven't played them yet myself, but I wanted to leave the note that the videos make them look much better than the screenshots do at first glance (for one, check out the battle system).
I'd support bringing some of these good, older titles here (if GOG can convince the pubs to lower the prices to 5.99 on some of the non-bundles.)
johnki: Right now, I've intentionally left out Amaranth and Aldorlea games since there are a lot of each of them.
At least link to the [url=]lists for both.

Anyway, I'd recommend:


GOG should really get both
Post edited March 11, 2013 by kalirion
I'd like Grandia 2 to come to GOG even if it was a horrible port