pseudonarne: anybody know if majicka is any good?
Magicka is alright. I took issue with the way the game handles saving, and I found co-oping to be more frustrating than fun. It's one of those games where you can't progress further until your partner has caught up with you, similar to the old 2D arcade sidescrollers. I mean don't get me wrong, those kind of games can be fun, but that's not what I was expecting when I first picked up Magicka. It's also more of an action game than any type of role playing game. You've gotta be quick with your fingers to get the most out of it, and friendly fire is always on unless they've changed that since I last tried it. It can be quite funny to accidentally kill your partner or have them kill you (you can also revive them), but it starts to get pretty old when it constantly happens in hectic battles.
It's a game that goes on sale ALL the time, so I think it's definitely worth the risk of checking out when it's on sale. And the DLC isn't too big of a deal. Only a couple of those DLC are actually substantial, but they aren't required. Like I said the game goes on sale all of the time, so if you end up liking the main game, then worry about picking up the few DLC that actually matter during the next sale.
Oh, there's also an arena mode that's pretty fun as a time killer if you're just playing alone. It's one of those defeat the waves of enemies that get progressively more difficult types of deals, but it's fun.