AFnord: I'm not betting any money against that.
kalirion: Did indiegala have launch issues? I know Indie Royale's 2nd bundle did.
I truly doubt IFC will be popular enough to experience that, unless their servers are really bad of course.
IFC has been featured on many different gaming sites, so it has garnered a lot of attention. Time will tell exactly how popular this bundle will actually turn out to be, but $8-10 is not a whole lot for the content. The value of the individual games are:
Sol survivor: 9€
Still Life 2:9€
Booster trooper: 5€
PAM: 10€
Avencast: 9€
Dead Horde: 9€
Runespell: 9€
Greed: Black Border: 4½€
The fixed price might scare away some of the HiB low-buyers, but if anyone is actually interested in any of the IFC games, the price is quite good.