Posted November 19, 2012
Narushima: The idea behind Indie Royale bundles is to support indie games, we always offer excellent games at a price you cannot beat - so please recognize this and support the developers participating by buying your own bundle.
So each time you're distributing keys, you're actually going against their policy. I'm sure you never even bothered to check before doing it.
Sorry to break it to you, but that's something a good numbers of users on here have done since forever. Have you looked at the classfield thread recently? Where do you think all these steam keys people are happily trading/giving away on this forum come from? So each time you're distributing keys, you're actually going against their policy. I'm sure you never even bothered to check before doing it.
I dislike the pratice too, but as long as they offer an exploitable system, people will, well, exploit it. If it were for me, I think they shouid just stop offering steam keys. Or, let people choose between drm free or steam versions of the bundle, so they can't eat the cake and keep it anymore..