Soyeong: It looks like there are a lot of negative reviews for the KA series. Does anyone who has played them have any comments?
I've only played King Arthur 1 and I liked it. The game had issues at launch, mainly with balance (archers >>magic>>>>all other units) , but that has been more or less fixed with patches. It also rams up the difficulty quite a bit towards the late-midgame & endgame, which might be nice for some and painful to others (I managed to beat it, so it is not impossible). Also, the game might look total-war like, but there are things that you should not do until you reach a certain point in the story (don't start attacking random kingdoms. The ones in the lower middle of the map are fine, but the ones to the east & west should not be attacked until you reach that point in the story).
I've not played KA 2, but it does look like it could be nice.