Posted February 02, 2013
Long before computer games the elders among us had to find ways to entertain ourselves without the high tech magic that so many of you youngins take for granted. Most of these ways totally sucked, I can't lie, but every once in a while came along a creation that would forever trascend all that came before and all that was to come after. I just found out that today we lost the creator of one such creation, and I would like to take a monent to bow heads to pause in fond memory of this man who forever made the world a brighter, better, and much more easily erasable place to live.
R.I.P. Andre Cassagnes, inventor of the Etch A Sketch.
The world will be forever in your debt.
R.I.P. Andre Cassagnes, inventor of the Etch A Sketch.
The world will be forever in your debt.
Post edited February 02, 2013 by tinyE