Snickersnack: DA:O clearly shows you what's installed and will download + setup any DLC you own if you check the box.
Don't you need Cerberus Network to be up in order to use DLC? If so, is backing up DLC really that useful? If EA disappears won't it still go poof?
Siannah: I'll tell you a bit about DA:O updater..... game installed, first 2 DLCs bought. Starting game, both DLCs checked and installed. Later that day starting the game again, both DLCs appearing under "available" tab, not under installed - can't continue savegame because of "missing content".....
It took me several hours to finally find a forum posting which pointed to the DA:O updater and it's problem of stopping himself, sometimes even in an active gaming session. It went so far, that I manually checked / restarted that ridiculous piece of software
each and every time before starting DA. Needless to say that the game flew of my HD the instant I finished it the first time.
Sounds like you had the misfortune of enabling your DLC during the only weekend the authentication servers were down over a year and a half after the game's release. If so, that's just really bad luck. I was actually in the middle of my second play through of DA:O during that weekend. I had all the DLC enabled and was able to continue playing offline just fine. I'm surprised at the amount fuss that brief outage created. Most user's DLC had already been authenticated long ago.
Siannah: It really learned me to hate EA DLCs. I didn't even bother to log into Cerberus and getting the free DLCs coming with ME2 because of that.
I take it you're not a completionist? Different strokes I suppose. I really liked the Normandy crash site.
Siannah: And if EA disappears, guess where your DA:O is getting it's DLC updates from?
I have put 500+ hours in DA:O. The game owes me nothing. :) But even if I didn't, that would be no skin off my back. I regard games without source code as disposable. Enjoy them while they last. Ultimately, if you can't maintain a piece of software you're depending upon the good will of others to keep them going be they EA (authentication), Microsoft (OS compatability), Joe game hacker, etc.