mogamer: Well, I'm still a subscriber, but I still wouldn't recommend it yet. The browser player is still glitchy and you still can't play the Windows games in a 64 bit OS. Like I said in the other thread, my sub expires in October. I'm not going to quit early, but as of right now, I'm not going to re-up with them. I'm still in with the $60 a year pricing. But a new yearly sub is now $70 or $80 (I can't remember). My HTPC is 32 bit Vista Ultimate with an integrated ATI X1250 video card. Not a great set up, but it played plenty of Windows games just fine in the old player and I could do it on a 37" HDTV. Now I can only play a few Windows games with the new player. Thanks goodness I have two XP machines to play on.
The thing that really pisses me off about this whole situation is that they didn't do enough testing before they released it. Reading their comments on the forum, it looks like they didn't have much time before Turner pulled the plug on the old player and servers. But Metoboli already had a player set up for their service and could have done a lot more of the Beta testing with Gametap volunteers than they did.
For $70 to $80 a year you could buy a lot of GOG's, and have them forever.