I just put in 80 hours into it. My first go lasted 40 and I got nowhere, then I started over and got farther in half the time. Getting your sea legs for the game makes a big difference, and so does knowing enough about how the game works to get off to a good start.
It is always hard, and times frustrating to the point thinking something is impossible until you figure out something weakness. (I still think the ornstein smough fight is as close to being impossible as one could get without being so) I really wasn't sure I wanted keep playing it 4 hours in, but I changed my mind pretty quick after that.
I personally found going it blind, not worth it and promptly youtubed this
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkofHfJ25Hvu10h5OjvhFIQPEQArhwkBf The Gargoyles were really tough once the second one came out. I played the game spry from the bulk of it, which helped me keep some distance. If something isn't going down without a lot of hits, then it can be a good idea to get your levels up. I know I put off the undead asylum as long as I reasonably could the second time through. The stray demon boss fight is a workout, and it was difficult to spend 15 minutes running and hacking away at something that can kill you in one hit. A lesson is if you can't kill it easily, just come back to it. You can waste so much time trying to kill something too soon. Like the first headless demon. There is a door right behind him to the forest, which leads to many places, and has some really good farming areas.
There are also situations where locking on to an enemy is a horrible idea. Maintaining the camera is more work, but rolling works different, and is much more rigid when you have a lock.
There are areas I saw in the walk throughs that convinced me I didn't want to bother with, but I think the game does have its payoffs. There will never be any story to speak of, but success feels like accomplishment, and there are some very unique gameplay mechanics using the internet in a way it typically hasn't been used.
Though you got about a month to enjoy the game before the GFWL thing goes down, and there hasn't been spit for news on the issue from any developer about any games since February. At one point I think Bandai did say they would be addressing the situation, but then backpedaled to "Exploring options."
And as and FYI, anyone that is playing it on PC should be using the DSFix unless they enjoy looking at a 1024x768 render being upresed