SimonG: ...
First of all, games aren't goods. At least in a legal sense, as all goods must be physical (If I would get a dime for everytime I've typed this sentence ;-)).
Trilarion: Some people see it like this. It's there natural understanding of the process. It's just their language. They use it as a synonym for something you can buy with money. It's not like gravity which is always there however you call it.
I always wonder why you do not add the extension "games aren't goods in a legal sense" to make clear you restrict yourself to the legal side of the buying process. Maybe you would have to say it less often. :)
Because goods are always physical. Even if you take that weird second meaning. I can understand that this is very weird for somebody without legal training (and still for some with). But games aren't, weren't, will never be, have never been, will never have been, goods.
That being said, in some cases laws applicable to goods can also be applicable to (retail) games ;-P.(
Because people make that mistake very often.)
I'm not quoting this, as it is above my leet skillz
- Is a book with a lot of printed letters a good?
- Is a disk with a lot of bits and bytes a good?
yes (only the disk, not the data)
- Is a file that can be stored anywhere a good?
no (not physical)
- Is a file that needs a one time activation a good?
- Is a stream that is a file that is stored only for a very short time a good?
And if not all are goods, where is the difference in each case?
physicality (is that a word?)
Thank you.
No problem at all ;-)