Posted March 12, 2012

Drugs are bad, no one is disputing that. I've never done drugs. Yet, I'm for legalizing them. The drug war is a useless war that's wasting billions of dollars. Gangs wouldn't be in control of drugs, non-violent offenders could return to their families. Crime would go down, because most crimes are drug related. Drug use would go down. Portugal's drug use is down since decriminalizing them. I fail to see how any of this is bad.
What is wrong with doing what you want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else? You'd rather have a society that says "You can do what you want, so long as it fits with my idea of what you can do."?
Benjamin Franklin said, those that would sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither and will lose both.
If you were restricting it to just pot, you'd likely have a point. But the fact is drugs affect more than just the individuals who use them. I had an acquaintance years back who had been doing drugs and ultimately committed suicide. I don't believe that the drugs caused it, but I doubt very much they were helping him with his problems nor do I think they were conducive to him getting appropriate treatment.
Assuming that nobody is being hurt is something that definitely does require support as there are far too many reports about crimes committed while under the influence.