jamyskis: The Wii U is the least powerful of the new gen, but it also has the best library of this gen at present, and is by far (and is likely to remain) the leader when it comes to local multiplayer, especially when you have kids in the house. There's actually comparatively little of interest for two young children on either the PS4 or Xbox One - perhaps LEGO Hobbit or LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - both of which are available on the Wii U.
On the Wii U, you have Nintendo Land, Rabbids Land, Game & Wario, Wii Party U, Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario Bros. U, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, all superb local multiplayer games. Oh, and Mario Kart 8.
The PS4 is a wonderful console with gorgeous visuals, but it remains to be seen how much "kid-friendly" stuff there will be. In fact, the only decent local multiplayer game I've been able to find is Child of Light (which, again, is available on the Wii U).
I aggree with the multiplayer part, that's why I bought a used black pre 2011 Wii (with GameCube ports) and had a nice gaming evening with some people on friday. The only thing consoles are good for is convenient local multiplayer with up to 4 players and only Nintendo still seems to use that now and then. I wish, there were more splitscreen games on PC though and more easy to learn multiplayer stuff on PC and other consoles.
The old Wiis can be softmodded that they can play your GameCube games from SD-Card and your Wii games from HDD, this even makes the hassle with discs obsolete at partys, better to have a PC that can emulate them in fullHD though if you don't mind Win7 (there you have my problem, It has too much DRM for me).