Weclock: the first one, albiet pg-13 is not terrible, not as great as a predator or an alien movie in the types of suspense used, but not bad as an action movie.
I really seriously wish they had made it more violent, graphic, and intenseful (but not action-esque).
Andy_Panthro: The ending, for me, just summed up the total failure of it in my eyes. It also lacked what the title promised, and in no way lived up to any of the Alien or Predator films. I can't even enjoy it as a mindless action flick, cos there are much better ones out there.
If only they'd actually made a movie out of the first of the novels, rather than steal a few plot points from it, throw them into a completely different context, and make that ridiculous ending. And number 2 was just a joke.
The novels are actually excellent. I higly recommend them. Also the pure Predator novel Concrete Jungle, which is what Predator 2
should have been.