michaelleung: Ummm... Summer Glau. Just saw the new Terminator: Milking The Cow Chronicles. Only reason why I still watch it!
Mmm Summer Glau. She is awesome, yeah. TSCC definitely showcases both her acting talent and good looks, but more on looks than the former lol. Anyway I thought TSCC was awesome in the first season, but in the second season, it totally went off track. The story doesn't make sense, there are more loopholes than explanation, and the best part is that it doesn't feel like Terminator anymore. At least in Season 1 they still had several chase scenes and cool fighting scenes. Now it's like "yawn there goes another boring fight scene", plus the rest of the storyline has gotten to the point of testing the audience's limit
If you want a show that is really awesome, and has Summer Glau in it, I recommend Firefly, which Andy has already mentioned. One of the best shows ever shown on TV, that sadly didn't take off into the second season
It also ended very nicely with Serenity