Multiplayer games should still be encouraged and some games are just too large in scale to program AI for but forgetting Single Player all together is a massive no-no.
Battlefield 2 would've meant so much more to me if they would have, at least, included the console single player mode, as by the time I finally bought it, I couldn't really play it because the few players left either wanted to play 'Head Phone' seriously or I had too low of ping.
Counter Strike and Unreal 2004 are good examples of multiplayer focused games that are enjoyable offline as well. Unreal 2004 has awesome AI and Counter Strike is cool to if you ad the fan-made AI MOD to improve the game's default AI.
I should also point out that GOG would have nothing to sell right now if all of these nineties game were Master Server Dependent.
Crosmando: I get the distinct feeling that everything nowadays seems to be pushing towards forcing people to socialize and give up personal privacy.
I've considered this and I've never respected a community of neighbors around me that look down their nose at me through my windows.
I definitely agree with minding our own business.
I think anyone that does want social interaction online, however, are being cattled into areas where they are easier to monitor for safety reasons.
The interwebs are definitely not as broad-ranged and interesting as they used to be but I have to say that it's been a long friggin' time since I've last been stalked and harassed through the net.
So in this instance I would think that they would want to encourage some folks to keep clean by keeping to themselves.