SimonG: And yet it where the achievements that made this conversations especially interesting.
So, you got "A line crossed". Interesting ...
Ah, but that game is certainly the exception to the rule that achievements are pointless e-peen extensions.
Face it, the vast majority of achievements fall into four basic categories:
1. Ones you'll get automatically the first time you play the game (Congratulations! You killed your first enemy!)
2. Ones you'll get automatically if you play the game enough (Congratulations! You've killed 5000 enemies!)
3. Ones that require you to do something difficult (Congratulations! You've sniped an enemy from more than 2000 yards with a blindfold on and one arm tied behind your back!)
4. Ones that require you to do something weird and/or pointless (Congratulations! You've destroyed 200 trees with dynamite sticks!)
None of those make for particularly interesting conversations.