I'm in.
Fact from January.
Here christmas was never thaught as the time when "Papa Noel" (translated: "Dad Noel", Santa Claus) came to bring gifts, not very popular at least, although recently (some years ago) it has become more popular with gifts. The most waited day for children in here is the 6th of January, the day when the Three Mage Kings arrive in their camels traveling from afar, with their load of gifts to leave under the christmas tree.
Now, there´s a set of things you must ensure doing to make sure they´ll be able to leave you a present. First, you have to be a good kid : ). Second, as soon as the christmas tree is completed you should be able to write a letter to either one of the three mage kings, "Melchor", "Gaspar" or "Baltazar", put it into an envelope and leave it in the christmas tree. Third, on the day before their arrival you should leave a pair of your shoes, a bowl with fresh water and a bowl with grass. When you wake up on the next morning, you´ll most probably see the camels drank the water and ate the grass, and the mage kings rested with your shoes, and the letter in the christmas tree disappeared...............and of course, your presents waiting to be opened under the tree and beside the manger (if you put one with all the figures).
......and that is just about today :D