P1na: I just noticed this, and I have a question: should we sell ourselves?
I'm torn. On one side, I obviously want a chance on getting some gifts. On the other, I haven't made my giveaways (or specially my occasional gifts) to showcase my limited generosity around the community. I didn't expect anything in return of what I gave away, and going around now saying "I gave this, so you should give me something back" feels wrong somehow. Plus, I also won some giveaways myself, which should leave the karmic retribution about even. Yet I still want to win something here...
*goes to a corner holding his head between his knees, and starts balancing*
grynn: I think this was a reply to my post as I got a notification.
Well, he told he was gonna check if we're worthy or not, so I helped him by linking a post of mine from another thread. I also don't expect something in return for my giveaways, otherwise I wouldn't gift all those I linked.
Yeah, it was originally a reply, but then I felt bad about linking to your post because, well, I didn't want to appear as if I was saying you were wrong for doing so. Anyone who gives away things expecting a return is dangerously close to an idiot, they should go with trade instead. And I don't take people as idiot unless they give me good reason for it, so I trust all GOG members hosting giveaways to be honestly generous. More than I am, in fact, as mine have been oportunists.
I understand the reasoning for selling ourselves. Since I'm a new member and all I've done has been in the last month or so, I wouldn't be surprised if my name was as foreign to ksj8ak2 as his/hers is to me. Lying bare my gifts to be judged can only help me, and probably the poor judge as well seeing how many entries are here. It is very probably easier for ksj8ak2 to read each entry and have their "achievements" right there, so as to say "hmm, Piña did this and that, so he deserves nothing/1 game/ his entire wishlist on the gifting thread".
Yet I'm strangely reluctant to do so. That's where my post came from.