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Give me a good reason not to BUMP this!
Spinorial: Give me a good reason not to BUMP this!
No such thing. BUMP away!
Spinorial: Give me a good reason not to BUMP this!
Sachys: No such thing. BUMP away!
If you say so! BUMP!
Me too! Me too!


now i've done the good deed and sleep peacefully
Momo1991: Adding SPAZ on Steam to the giveaway courtesy of ChezyBezy - here's a link for thanking ;-)

and a link to the game;
im in for spaz becus i loved playing it when it was on the free trial on steam and i hope to play it again and for it to have a nice place in my steam library and i wish all others the best of luck
Spinorial: Bah, 4 hours ain't really enough for this stuff, would have put in an overly-elaborate entry for it myself :P

Oh, well. Instead, I'll piggyback on your giveaway (if that's OK):

Guardians of Middle Earth: No pre-requisites, but you must tell me what position you like, or would like, playing in DOTA and why.
havent played DOTA yet but in other well known MOBA's like League of Legends or Smite i prefer adc and jungler :)
Momo1991: Adding SPAZ on Steam to the giveaway courtesy of ChezyBezy - here's a link for thanking ;-)

and a link to the game;
mindspiral: im in for spaz becus i loved playing it when it was on the free trial on steam and i hope to play it again and for it to have a nice place in my steam library and i wish all others the best of luck
Chezy approves your entry! Check you PM momentarily ;-)
I want Tomb Raider 1 , 2 and 3 (Pack) because it's one of the original games that provide a true challenge to the third person genre of action and exploring. Other games tried to copy this style of action but none can duplicate it. That and they were hit games when they came out for Playstation 1 back in the day and sold lots of copies of it at Christmas Time.
Thistler: Have a key for Chester on Desura.

Give me a good reason and it's yours.
I would like this game because despite knowing which game it is and knowing what's in the teaser/gameplay video on that page I still repeatedly watch the video because it looks awesome and sounds even more awesome.
Aveweto: havent played DOTA yet but in other well known MOBA's like League of Legends or Smite i prefer adc and jungler :)
Well, that's something. But it still doesn't answer the question "Why?". Something more elaborate than a single sentence would be nice, too. Remember, this is supposed to convince me ;)
P1na: I wanted to post here, but the thread seems recently bumped and there's nothing I'm remotely interested in. Which only leaves me with the option of offering a game here. And it will be... you guessed it. Theme Hospital on GOG.

What's that? You expected something else? Weeeeell... if you ask nice and give me a good reason, you can have the "something else", I guess. Just convince me, I think that's what the thread is about.
theme hospital seems like a very fun and quirky experience and i wouldn't mind giving it a try and it seems like you can get allot of enjoyment out of the game and that is why i want it and to all other people wanting this game i wish you good luck and happy holidays! :D the something other seems like a bonus in my eyes as in its not needed and i hope some one has fun with the something elce
mindspiral: theme hospital seems like a very fun and quirky experience and i wouldn't mind giving it a try and it seems like you can get allot of enjoyment out of the game and that is why i want it and to all other people wanting this game i wish you good luck and happy holidays! :D the something other seems like a bonus in my eyes as in its not needed and i hope some one has fun with the something elce
er, you're late. That was already delivered.
mindspiral: theme hospital seems like a very fun and quirky experience and i wouldn't mind giving it a try and it seems like you can get allot of enjoyment out of the game and that is why i want it and to all other people wanting this game i wish you good luck and happy holidays! :D the something other seems like a bonus in my eyes as in its not needed and i hope some one has fun with the something elce
P1na: er, you're late. That was already delivered.
i need to read more *face palm * oh well to harm no foul
Aveweto: havent played DOTA yet but in other well known MOBA's like League of Legends or Smite i prefer adc and jungler :)
Spinorial: Well, that's something. But it still doesn't answer the question "Why?". Something more elaborate than a single sentence would be nice, too. Remember, this is supposed to convince me ;)
well in the end it all comes down to teamwork, if the team is working together well and everyone is doing there job any position can be fun just as any position can be quite unpleasant to play if half your team doesnt know what they are doing or goes totally ego sabotaging their own team just coz they wanna look like they are the best in the current setup. So basically in some cases i even like to play supporter or tanks if its a good matchup even losing will be fun and id like to see if thats the case with all other choices in the given genre, i know it is for LoL and Smite. :)
Aveweto: well in the end it all comes down to teamwork, if the team is working together well and everyone is doing there job any position can be fun just as any position can be quite unpleasant to play if half your team doesnt know what they are doing or goes totally ego sabotaging their own team just coz they wanna look like they are the best in the current setup. So basically in some cases i even like to play supporter or tanks if its a good matchup even losing will be fun and id like to see if thats the case with all other choices in the given genre, i know it is for LoL and Smite. :)
A little effort goes a long way! Have a jolly good Christmas and keep your wards up! Or whatever it is kids do these days :P

Thanks for hosting this with such remarkable patience, Sachys! Have a very happy Christmas!