CymTyr: In the immortal words of The Godz, everybody's some kind of junkie.
mondo84: My addiction doesn't seem to yield profits like other addictions do...
...except for the super awesome internet friends I've made. :)
I think the vast majority of addictions are not THAT profitable, at least not on a personal financial level, unless it's an addiction to running a business.
Even genius mathematicians, programmers or scientists tend to be middle upper class at best, because they are too busy doing their craft while business types make the big buck out of it.
Heck, Bill Gates made his fortune off concepts that were not super revolutionary.
Think about how much geniuses like Newton, Einstein or Gauss would have made off their discoveries had they been less philanthropically inclined or not so engrossed in their craft that they didn't care about those details.
Anyways, internet addiction is relatively benign on the spectrum of addictions.
Thank your blessings that you are not a gambler or a drug addict.