KavazovAngel: Just torrent / warez it if you can't find it. If its out of print, it is out of print. Period. :p
Skeleton0117: I can't.
1. I have Vista which runs practically nothing.
2. My computer is too new to run it.
3. I have shit Vista.
Vista barely runs emulators let alone actual computer games. You should have seen the bumblefuck I had to go through just to play Spore.
Hmm, I can almost run anything on Vista, what games are you having problems running?
liquidsnakehpks: a word of caution DO NOT BUY the steam version of DUNGEONS thinking its a remake of dk, its not and it sucks totally
I agree, I luckily downloaded the demo off of Steam. It's not a terrible game, i just found myself a bit bored after a few moments.