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Elmofongo: Leons Campaign: NOT SCARY because I fight like I'm a martial Artist and I have a fucking partner with me and Aiming and moving among others

Chris' Campaign: Call of Gears of Evil Duty War

what a piece of mainstream "made to appeal to all taste" accessible trash/shit

the leon campaign was trying to appeal to what I want from resident but still it has to many things from action games to ruin it
I'm sorry bro, I'm so sorry

I tried to, I tried to warn everyone here but people wouldn't listen to me
Elmofongo: Leons Campaign: NOT SCARY because I fight like I'm a martial Artist and I have a fucking partner with me and Aiming and moving among others

Chris' Campaign: Call of Gears of Evil Duty War

what a piece of mainstream "made to appeal to all taste" accessible trash/shit

the leon campaign was trying to appeal to what I want from resident but still it has to many things from action games to ruin it
Roman5: I'm sorry bro, I'm so sorry

I tried to, I tried to warn everyone here but people wouldn't listen to me
If you must know my brother thought it was shit aswell honsetly if you have an xbox 360 download the demo and see it for yourself chris's campaign was exactly what I said my brother said the samething
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Elmofongo
The franchise wasn't scary to begin with. But i agree they has been butchered to the point you no longer recognize it.
Resident Evil jumped the shark when they caved and put Chinese and Caucasian zombies in 5.
SimonG: I never understood the popularity of the old RE games. They were good games despite the horrible controls, contrived "puzzles" and awkward writing. I personally like the "new REs" more than the old. While they're "only" 3rd person action games nowadays, they are very good at being those.
RE2 and Code Veronica are good for nostalgic reasons, but the only actual playable game in the series is 4, which is one of the top 20 of all time, no doubt.
Post edited September 19, 2012 by anjohl
Watched the new movie last night and although I am a fan of the games and movies, I have to say it was dreadful. I have e a code for the demo, but after reading some reviews, I just cba to d/l it.
For horror movie i always have this gut feeling like this; if it's on cinema, it won't be good. But seems like Resident Evil the films are more toward action sci-fi. Maybe as a no-nonsense action film, it's quite decent.
wormholewizards: it's quite decent.
Oh, yea, totally 'decent'. It won't surprise me if they suddenly bring Enterprise in, or maybe The Mask as an infected zombie.
So.. Everyone hates it? And will there be PC demo at some point? Res evil 5 was pretty good for a game. Nobody really expected that it would go less actionish? It was almost full on action game in second one already.
Antimateria: So.. Everyone hates it? And will there be PC demo at some point? Res evil 5 was pretty good for a game. Nobody really expected that it would go less actionish? It was almost full on action game in second one already.
here is new information on re6 pc
Antimateria: So.. Everyone hates it? And will there be PC demo at some point? Res evil 5 was pretty good for a game. Nobody really expected that it would go less actionish? It was almost full on action game in second one already.
Elmofongo: here is new information on re6 pc
I kinda read it but usually I don't say it but those fucks.
Elmofongo: OK since there are people here who do not find the old resident evils scary, tell me what game was scary for you?
I haven't played horror games in ages, but I've heard Slender is pretty tense.
RE:5 just went 50% off at GG. Still not sure if worth it. -__-

To any of you did not play or see the demo here is a vid of chris's campaign:
I like RE1-3 had a lot of fun with those when I was a kid, even replayed them not too long ago. I lost interest with the franchise after that, and it seems to have been getting steadily more ridiculous since, at least as far as story goes.

I don't have anything against the new style of resident evil, the franchise was always going to need a kick in the pants to outlive raccoon city. I have seen footage of Leon in RE6 and thought it looked pretty decent actually. It gave me the impression of something like an old meets new reboot; new city, new style, and you're trapped once again. I could probably dig that.

Elmofongo: To any of you did not play or see the demo here is a vid of chris's campaign:
Massive contrast to the video I mentioned above. Can't say it appeals to me in the slightest. But I did spend half the video shouting at whoever is playing it. Seriously, does that guy have no comprehension of how to play a game, let alone present a video to an audience??? It's a combination of button bashing, running like a headless chicken and the occasional epic fail haha. As long as he's having fun I suppose, judging by the comments he likes it a lot.
This article makes me shed tears of joy

and this comment from the sites editors (its not jim sterling)

"The split on Resident Evil's controls seem to be between people who think that videogames should be ALWAYS impose as few limitation on the player as possible (who hate the controls), and those who appreciate that game design is imposing limitations on the player (who appreciate the games for their unique style of play).

The split often breaks down to those who play games for purposes of escapism, and those who play them for purposes of getting to know the game designer through their creation. It's "ARGH THIS GAME SUCKS! I JUST WANT TO KICK ASS!" audience and the "Whoa! It's amazing how this game only needs two slow moving enemies and a tough but fair set of limitations can scare the living crap out of me!"

This split is fundamental to the current climate of gaming. It's the split that has caused Resident Evil 6 to be something of a mess. it's this split that has so many "AAA" games looking and playing identically, while smaller games get more and more differentiated.

It's the split that divides people who play videogames because they love videogames, and the people who will abandon gaming as soon as human beings devise a more effective form of escapism."