Smannesman: I actually saw it on
Conan and I didn't like what I saw (game-wise).
I was more irked by the expert guy there claiming it's the sixth game in the series, whereas I think twentieth would be closer to the truth.
sauvignon1: Speaking of Resident Evil, how good is the gamecube remake of the first one? My little brother ordered it yesterday, and can't wait to play it.
It does force you to put up with the usual wonky controls, camera angles, voice acting, oddball puzzles and shit, but it's quite good if you find these characteristics tolerable. It's quite short, though, and I really couldn't be arsed to play it again with Chris since it's basically the same game with less inventory space and a different order for solving puzzles. I think there was something different about a boss fight as well, but that wouldn't motivate me enough. Regardless, the biggest problem I have with the remake is that they never bothered to do the same to RE2, Nemesis or Code Veronica.
Elmofongo: the forget you i for one love the old games and i love the tank like controls
since this game is not made for you then you are not important to the game
go play your psychological horrors like amnesia or system shock which imo is not scary
SimonG: Look at your keyboard. You see those keys between "M" and "-"? (slighty above/left of the space bar)
I just had to quote this to express my utmost agreement. Sometimes I can't understand a word he's saying. Okay, I'm exaggerating here. Words, yes – how they're supposed to be connected, no.