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Well of course you died, that game is a piece of shit. And if you don't like a game, you obviously won't be good at it... Try Painkiller: Black Edition, or one of the Unreal games .
Try to get past this part. It's unbalanced, to be honest if you are at the part that i think you are: you are at the hardest part of the game. If you manage to get past it, the rest of the game will be a breeze...
I play all the "pure" (non-rpg) FPS games on easy or very easy, basically the easiest difficulty it has, as I'm there just for the story
Before officially declaring that you suck at FPS games, I would suggest you try a better one.
Elmofongo: Do yourself a favor and get Unreal Tournament 2004.
That one I've enjoyed back in the days, but I wanted something single player and presumably with a story, not something repetitive like Painkiller. Which btw didn't seemed so hard :)
Kunovski: I play all the "pure" (non-rpg) FPS games on easy or very easy, basically the easiest difficulty it has, as I'm there just for the story
Same here. Sometimes the RPG ones also. Like F3 and F:NV. Vats is just too damn annoying :)
Post edited January 06, 2014 by blotunga
Elmofongo: Do yourself a favor and get Unreal Tournament 2004.
blotunga: That one I've enjoyed back in the days, but I wanted something single player and presumably with a story, not something repetitive like Painkiller. Which btw didn't seemed so hard :)
Kunovski: I play all the "pure" (non-rpg) FPS games on easy or very easy, basically the easiest difficulty it has, as I'm there just for the story
blotunga: Same here. Sometimes the RPG ones also. Like F3 and F:NV. Vats is just too damn annoying :)
actually I do play Fallout NV on easy too :) come to think of it, I usually only choose higher difficulty if it affects gameplay and atmosphere somehow (for example Thief only on hardest, and also STALKER on higher as it adds heavily to the hardcore depressive and hopeless feel of the game)

but to play the game with higher difficulty only so that the enemies are tougher and I need to shoot them more to kill them, what's the point?
Kunovski: actually I do play Fallout NV on easy too :) come to think of it, I usually only choose higher difficulty if it affects gameplay and atmosphere somehow (for example Thief only on hardest, and also STALKER on higher as it adds heavily to the hardcore depressive and hopeless feel of the game)

but to play the game with higher difficulty only so that the enemies are tougher and I need to shoot them more to kill them, what's the point?
Yeah, I even had the same feeling with The Witcher 2. I loved the first one even with its combat system, but the second was too hard for me. So easy it is :D
Play Quake 4 and use all your other cds for coasters or you can actually make some very pretty jewelry with them. I recently turned my Renegade disc into a beautiful pendant that just looks ravishing with the little blue cocktail dress I picked up on Sax and 5th just last week. I couldn't believe the price! There is was in the window on sale and I knew I had to have it, especially with the new pumps I had just bought the day before. Imagine how lucky I felt when.....

I'm sorry, what was the question again?
Post edited January 06, 2014 by tinyE
tinyE: Play Quake 4 and use all your other cds for coasters or you can actually make some very pretty jewelry with them. I recently turned my Renegade disc into a beautiful pendant that just looks ravishing with the little blue cocktail dress I picked up on Sax and 5th just last week. I couldn't believe the price! There is was in the window on sale and I knew I had to have it, especially with the new pumps I had just bought the day before. Imagine how lucky I felt when.....

I'm sorry, what was the question again?
I don't have any CDs anymore. All my games are virtual goods :) (digital is incorrect since CDs/DVDs etc are also digital).
Elmofongo: Do yourself a favor and get Unreal Tournament 2004.
blotunga: That one I've enjoyed back in the days, but I wanted something single player and presumably with a story, not something repetitive like Painkiller. Which btw didn't seemed so hard :)
Kunovski: I play all the "pure" (non-rpg) FPS games on easy or very easy, basically the easiest difficulty it has, as I'm there just for the story
blotunga: Same here. Sometimes the RPG ones also. Like F3 and F:NV. Vats is just too damn annoying :)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. than and trust me the gunplay is still good, its the perfect fusion between RPG and Shooter.
If you suck at FPS games, or any game for that matter, play the game on its easiest mode till you learn the controls/game nuances.
Elmofongo: Do yourself a favor and get Unreal Tournament 2004.
blotunga: That one I've enjoyed back in the days, but I wanted something single player and presumably with a story, not something repetitive like Painkiller. Which btw didn't seemed so hard :)
Clive Barker's Undying should do the trick.
My condolences for your purchase of Colonial Marines. :(
That's the thing... i played on easiest. Imho difficulty levels should begin from my grandmas level to hardcore competitive gamers do that everyone can enjoy it. What's hard for me can be very easy for others or viceversa.
ReynardFox: My condolences for your purchase of Colonial Marines. :(
I'm glad I didn't. I received it on steamgifts and I really wanted to give it a chance.
Post edited January 06, 2014 by blotunga
Welcome to the club =D