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Andanzas: I rarely finish games either. Actually, sometimes I don't even start them.
tinyE: XD I got a laugh out of that. Saddly I am guilty of the same thing.
Same here. I've got at least five sitting on my shelf barely out of the shrink wrap. And they're PS2 titles.
If I get much further than the halfway point of a game and there is a clearly defined end goal (like the end of a story mode) then I will almost always power through to the end even if my interest is starting to wane. If I bail out of a game , it tends to be early on (within the first hour or so).
RPGs can be a problem for me because I feel the need to do EVERY SINGLE QUEST which is probably why I never finished Oblivion. Right around dungeon/cave 80 or 90 you tend to start to lose interest.
Post edited February 01, 2013 by tinyE
If it makes you feel better OP , I have only finished a handful of games since I began playing Pong in the Pub 40 years ago !
misteryo: Thoughts?
Magnitus: Here are the games in GOG's catalog that I finished at 50%+ (some were like 90%+), but didn't complete:
Temple of Elemental Evil, The
Did you only put a couple hours into that game? Unmodded ToEE is very short!
summitus: If it makes you feel better OP , I have only finished a handful of games since I began playing Pong in the Pub 40 years ago !
Pardon me for asking, but how exactly do you finish Pong?
I finished 7 games in January, 12 if you count the ones I had finished before. Just man up and do it, it's not brain surgery.
The worst part is, if you stop playing a game and then return to it, you've forgotten plot, characters, quests, game mechanics and are probably rusty, while your save game could be pretty deep in the difficulty level. Start over and lose all that work? No! Continue? You get your ass kicked! Best solution? Drop the game, install a new one.
tinyE: RPGs can be a problem for me because I feel the need to do EVERY SINGLE QUEST which is probably why I never finished Oblivion. Right around dungeon/cave 80 or 90 you tend to start to lose interest.
Interesting, because Oblivion is one I may never finish, but I still play regularly. The ability to mod it in nearly every aspect keeps me replaying without finishing. The main quest has been pretty uninteresting to me since day one. But I really enjoy playing, modding, adjusting, modding some more, crashing, starting over, etc.
Licurg: I finished 7 games in January, 12 if you count the ones I had finished before. Just man up and do it, it's not brain surgery.
Oh, yeah, you're right. I forgot to "man up" when I was playing those. Silly me.
Post edited February 01, 2013 by misteryo
Magnitus: Here are the games in GOG's catalog that I finished at 50%+ (some were like 90%+), but didn't complete:
Temple of Elemental Evil, The
kalirion: Did you only put a couple hours into that game? Unmodded ToEE is very short!
I tend to be too much of a perfectionist with everything that I do.

I tried to do every single side-quest there was and generally explore every niche and cranny of every map.

If memory serves, I found the temple before it even poped up as a place to go in the story.

I was in the process of exploring the Temple when a game that I was excited about got on promo (ironically, I can't remember which game it was now).

By the time I considered going back to ToEE, several months had passed (maybe even a year) and I felt my experience would benefit from starting from scratch in case I had forgotten things, but I didn't feel like going through every bloody single side-quest again.

Yes, I'm nuts.
Post edited February 01, 2013 by Magnitus
Glad to hear that I'm not only one.

I think I have about...... couple of hundreds games in my possession, including GoG and Steam. However, I very very very seldom finish them. Like some of the people, it's difficult to maintain to continue the game if it is not interesting.

Persona 3 was the most recent game I beat and it took me about 2 years because the dungeon crawling was so grindy as hell but the characters and story were still amazing so I opted to play it in small dose so I don't OD'd on it.

I just fired up Persona 4 but meh... it just lack that aura that P3 has and I put couple of hours into it so far.

The point is.... you should play games for your own personal enjoyment. Finishing the games isn't mandatory at all. I mean... I could not beat Seymour in first encounter in FFX but I really enjoy that game.

It's about having fun! :DDD
the only game i plan to finish is the one about the 2 jews who walked into a bar.
The rise of frequent game sales has made many people more collectors than anything else for modern PC gaming. I am very much guilty of it myself.

You could always try what I am attempting this year. Have a set budget for the entire year and force yourself to stick to it so you will go back and finish the games had fun with but never made it all the way through. Of course I cheated before I even began by buying a bunch of stuff at Christmas, but since the start of the year I've been making progress through my backlog.
Fictionvision: You could always try what I am attempting this year. Have a set budget for the entire year and force yourself to stick to it so you will go back and finish the games had fun with but never made it all the way through. Of course I cheated before I even began by buying a bunch of stuff at Christmas, but since the start of the year I've been making progress through my backlog.
That doesn't work.

Christmas sale non-withstanding, I limit my monthly gaming budget to 30$-50$ per month depending on my income flow.

When your average GOG title on promo is ~2.5$-5$, that's quite a lot of games.

Anyways, I prefer to have a good backlog rather than risk running out of stuff I feel like playing at any given time.

Even if I have exactly 10 games in my backlog (which sounds like a good reserve), that doesn't mean like I'll be in the mood to play those particular games at a given time.

What I feel like playing is not constant.
Post edited February 01, 2013 by Magnitus
Fictionvision: The rise of frequent game sales has made many people more collectors than anything else for modern PC gaming. I am very much guilty of it myself.

You could always try what I am attempting this year. Have a set budget for the entire year and force yourself to stick to it so you will go back and finish the games had fun with but never made it all the way through. Of course I cheated before I even began by buying a bunch of stuff at Christmas, but since the start of the year I've been making progress through my backlog.
Me too! I only picked up 9 games yesterday! :P