Robette: Secret of Mana never worked for me
Yea, that one never worked for me either, though I can pinpoint exactly where the problems with the game are:
-Stunlocks. An enemy can hit you hard enough for you to be pushed to the ground. Now if the enemy hits you while you are on the ground, it is possible for it to push you back again. This animation won't play until your character has managed to get up though, which means that it is possible for an enemy to hit your character, push it down, then hit it again, wander away to hit someone else, your character gets up, falls down again, the enemy returns and gives him another thwack, which again makes him fall down (but not before he has managed to get up!)
While not a super common occurrence, it was so annoying and pointless that it alone would have relegated the game to "meh" territory. But there is one more issue
-Unavoidable attacks that stops the game. This is a real time game where spells and spell-like abilities will just freeze the game for for an animation to play. I never could wrap my head around why they thought this was a good idea.
These two major issues (and a few minor issues) make Secret of Mana a game that I dislike. Though I disliked these back in the days as well, so it has nothing to do with missing the train for me.
Some games that I really missed the boat for include:
Sierra's earlier adventure games (King's Quest, Space Quest, Larry and so on).
Most early-mid 80's CRPGs (though I do like Ultima 4 & 5)
Dune 2