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Fictionvision: . Half Life 1 was a better game to me. For FPS in the same time frame, I had way more fun with Fear + it's expansions and Stalker than I did with HL2.
Same for me. Other FPS games that I enjoyed were Serious Sam and Painkiller. They veered (even if just a little) from the standard FPS everyone seemed locked into.
Robette: Secret of Mana never worked for me
Yea, that one never worked for me either, though I can pinpoint exactly where the problems with the game are:
-Stunlocks. An enemy can hit you hard enough for you to be pushed to the ground. Now if the enemy hits you while you are on the ground, it is possible for it to push you back again. This animation won't play until your character has managed to get up though, which means that it is possible for an enemy to hit your character, push it down, then hit it again, wander away to hit someone else, your character gets up, falls down again, the enemy returns and gives him another thwack, which again makes him fall down (but not before he has managed to get up!)
While not a super common occurrence, it was so annoying and pointless that it alone would have relegated the game to "meh" territory. But there is one more issue
-Unavoidable attacks that stops the game. This is a real time game where spells and spell-like abilities will just freeze the game for for an animation to play. I never could wrap my head around why they thought this was a good idea.

These two major issues (and a few minor issues) make Secret of Mana a game that I dislike. Though I disliked these back in the days as well, so it has nothing to do with missing the train for me.

Some games that I really missed the boat for include:
Sierra's earlier adventure games (King's Quest, Space Quest, Larry and so on).
Most early-mid 80's CRPGs (though I do like Ultima 4 & 5)
Dune 2
Antimateria: Probably Call of duties. Would play them if I got them with like 5 euros. Also every MMORPG ever made. =)
This, a hundred times. Are you sure you're not me? Or am I you?

Dota/LoL/HoN/OmG/etc. Can't stand these either.

There's probably tons more, but these I thought of right off the bat.
Half-life. I can appreciate that it's a very good game and very important, but for some reason I can't really pinpoint, I was never able to get into it.
For me it would have to be Half Life. I played it about a decade before I got Internet so I wasn't aware of the hype, but I was told it was good so I played through the whole thing expecting the fun part to start any time now. Follow narrow path, enemies appear, kill them, use convenient health machine, repeat until you reach the end boss. It made a lot of people happy so it's clearly a good game by that measure, but it just isn't for me.

hucklebarry: Steam. Lets forget about DRM. The "selling point" of steam seems to be social tools and trophies. I don't want either of those in my games. Auto patching is bad. always online is bad. Being seen when I want to "get away" is bad. Take Steam's feature list and go bullet by bullet... its pretty much the opposite of everything I'm looking for in a utility. I want the opposite of Steam. Give me a tool called Maets and have it remove adds, block my activity from leaving my PC, locking down games so they don't change unless I do it manually, restrict access to the internet... that is more up my ally.
I call it Desura. It works wonderfully. It provides all of the useful functions that I want, and what it lacks just happen to be the things I prefer to avoid.
Antimateria: All mass effects are fine games but dlc's are pretty much wasted money. Mostly just hour of some average shooting.
Splendid! The best DLCs are the ones that you can do without!

What I mean to say is that good expansions are great, but being able to enjoy a game to the fullest without having to buy anything extra is the best.
Post edited February 12, 2013 by Barefoot_Monkey
no one got my TCM reference, how sad

Oh and I'll jump on board with Myst. I can't speak for the others but I absolutely know why I hate Myst, I'm too stupid. Mind you I have a good education and will whip anyone's tale at Trivial Pursuit, but there is a whole other level of intellect to Myst that I must have been born without.

I'd also like to point out that the first game I ever bought when I joined up here was Blood so make of that what you want. :)
tinyE: anyone who wants a squad shooter where your team mates don't go out of their way to get their asses killed (unlike D) just get Republic Commando or Freedom Force.
You're a better Republic Commando player than I. My squad spent plenty of time face down in the dirt. :(
tinyE: no one got my TCM reference, how sad

Oh and I'll jump on board with Myst. I can't speak for the others but I absolutely know why I hate Myst, I'm too stupid. Mind you I have a good education and will whip anyone's tale at Trivial Pursuit, but there is a whole other level of intellect to Myst that I must have been born without.

I'd also like to point out that the first game I ever bought when I joined up here was Blood so make of that what you want. :)
I would wager most haven't solved the myst puzzles without some help. The third game even takes a shortcut and the plot occurs on a puzzle training island... how convenient :/

With that said, its gorgeous visuals and intriguing story kept me hunting (and occasionally cheating) all the way through. I can clearly see how they aren't for everyone though. IMHO, Riven is the best of the franchise and it may help that I played it first.

I also wonder if anyone approaches the Myst series today, brand new, and finds it favorable. While I loved the games, I wonder if nostalgia is what keeps them fun for me now. If I had played longest journey, and sanitarium first... I wonder if Myst would be more frustrating than fun?
Mario, lol
tinyE: anyone who wants a squad shooter where your team mates don't go out of their way to get their asses killed (unlike D) just get Republic Commando or Freedom Force.
Snickersnack: You're a better Republic Commando player than I. My squad spent plenty of time face down in the dirt. :(
I play it on the easiest setting. I'm not crazy!
hucklebarry: I also wonder if anyone approaches the Myst series today, brand new, and finds it favorable. While I loved the games, I wonder if nostalgia is what keeps them fun for me now. If I had played longest journey, and sanitarium first... I wonder if Myst would be more frustrating than fun?
Well, I got the (first) game last Christmas with some of the money I was given. I had to use the built in hints to help several times, but I still loved it. My knowledge of Myst is rather back to front, though, as I first found out about it through a mod for Minecraft which basically implements the concepts of Myst, so I knew somewhat what to expect. The puzzles are refreshingly not-quite-obvious in general, though.

That piano puzzle was horrible, until I read on here to turn my mouse sensitivity down.
Antimateria: Probably Call of duties. Would play them if I got them with like 5 euros. Also every MMORPG ever made. =)
Let's see... it's a very long list. But for a start I'd say both Halo and Half-Life series. I kinda stepped out of the gaming community around that time and when I got back I saw them as quite boring games. Maybe they're actually good if I put some time on them, but so many games have taken the spotlight from them I don't think it'll ever happen.

Still on the field of FPSs, for all the anti-CoD comments I read here I actually enjoyed the one CoD I played. Tho' I can't vouch for the whole franchise; just MW2.

Myst: I couldn't describe it any better than Lifthrasil did: an "incredibly boring slide show of pre-rendered pictures". Zork games also conquered my rage when I was young but because of a different problem: I had no idea what actions I had available and I could barely speak english at the time. Not a good setting to enjoy a heavy text-based game. There's only so much you can do by typing 'go north', 'go east', etc.

I liked Mass Effect 1 when I saw my brother playing it., so I bought it.I hated Mass Effect 2 when I saw my brother playing it so I avoided ME2 & 3 entirely. As far as I'm concerned Bioware never made a sequel just like Matrix never had a sequel. Seeing how ME3 ended and all the backlash I'd say it probably was a good decision.

Deus Ex: another game I happened to see my brother play. It held my attention for a few hours and then I noticed I wouldn't play it myself. I still don't feel like playing it.

Resident Evil: in theory I like the series... I just happen to always find something else to play. Even if it's just a lame or silly flash game.

tinyE: As the OP let me say feel free to go off topic. Shit, start talking about cheese if you want, I'm good. You forget 99% of all threads I post in I end up dragging off topic. :D
You know, I just remembered a Camembert I once tasted...
tinyE: Everyone has games they missed the boat on and I'd like to hear about them. By that I mean games that 99% of the people on this planet adore and yet despite countless tries you CAN'T STAND!!! This is a thread for those folks who feel so alone when a game takes off and yet you can't imagine playing it even if you had a gun to your head.

U.F.O. (well X-Com period) and Dark Reign to start, which is odd because I love both genres, and that is key to this thread. If you hate an entire genre of course you aren't going to like the games in it, so we can leave those alone.
How about Dishonored as a recent example? I thought it was horrid, boring shit.
tinyE: Everyone has games they missed the boat on and I'd like to hear about them. By that I mean games that 99% of the people on this planet adore and yet despite countless tries you CAN'T STAND!!! This is a thread for those folks who feel so alone when a game takes off and yet you can't imagine playing it even if you had a gun to your head.

U.F.O. (well X-Com period) and Dark Reign to start, which is odd because I love both genres, and that is key to this thread. If you hate an entire genre of course you aren't going to like the games in it, so we can leave those alone.
orcishgamer: How about Dishonored as a recent example? I thought it was horrid, boring shit.
I can't really play anything that new. I can't even find any reviews on it; is it popular? That's the problem, when you find it boring and everyone thinks you're a loon because they all love it.