macuahuitlgog: Under my netbook, it says this
DC RATING a line with 3 short lines under it 19V, 1.58A
iuliand: This means a consumption of 30W so it is safe to supply it with an adapter capable of supplying 90W (piece of cake for the bigger adapter).
Just check if the plug fits and if the polarity is the same. Usually + is in the middle of the plug. Look on the adapter and on the netbook for a small sketch depicting the plug viewed from the front where it says where + is. It may look like a small circle with a dot in the midle and a line from the dot that points toward a polarity sign (usually a + )
Stupid me. I even took electrical classes. What I said above applies to higher voltages. At 19V, yes you're right.
I might as well make a basic example for everyone. 19V with 19 ohm resistance = 1A. Jack it up to 50V with the same resistance and you draw 2.63A which is more than it was designed for.
You get one insult reply about my deteriorating knowledge.