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Weclock: trying to emulate apple by making things easier for the user. :/
captfitz: this
they need to realize that pc users buy pcs because we understand them. switching things up on us isn't going to make it easier for the computer idiots, and will only piss of the fluent.
edit: oh, and congrats! getting a new comp always gives me such a warm, fuzzy feeling.

I'm sure the people who bought a new machine with Windows 95 were surprised when it didn't work like 3.1 as well.
Miaghstir: I'm sure the people who bought a new machine with Windows 95 were surprised when it didn't work like 3.1 as well.

Win95 was a much needed jump. At the moment, smaller incremental changes are preferred.
Ois: Win95 was a much needed jump. At the moment, smaller incremental changes are preferred.
That's only because the amount of nematode brains using computers has increased exponentially over the last years. Of course, there are such things as unnecessary changes. If the GUI works, and there aren't many new options it serves no purpose to make any radical changes. That's my biggest beef with Vista and 7, they've done so much bullshit with the Control Panel and such, thus making the navigation at best unintuitive, and it's not only because of the changes, but also the unnecessary fluff they've added... It's like diving headlong into a pool of bunnies. Cute and fluffy on the outside, gory and icky on the inside. A mess to get out off.
Anyways, if anyone here is playing resource intensive games or applications on Vista, I'd recommend using something called Cleanmem. It cleans out unused memory out of processes, which can make quite the difference in some cases. It runs automatically every 30 minutes (might be changed, I dunno), but you can also run it using the run command in Windows, by typing in 'cleanmem'. It's been quite helpful with some games that's plagued with memory leaks.
Hah, wow. I just read on a Norwegian site that Vista 64Bit is currently the best OS for PC gaming. I suppose that means best performance on newer games using specific configurations though.
Post edited June 08, 2009 by sheepdragon
Miaghstir: I'm sure the people who bought a new machine with Windows 95 were surprised when it didn't work like 3.1 as well.
Please edit your posts to not include people you don't intend the response to be to. :(
Zolgar: Vista is .. annoying for one unfamiliar with it, but the biggest problem with Vista is it IS a resource whore, which if your specs are not monsterous, then you can end up having major issues running games.

No it's not.
heh wow I leave for a day or so (16 hour work shifts are..bad.) and I come back to this. I'm kind of amazed actually :P
I actually am not that big of a shooter fan, despite liking older games. I got it more for Dragon Age and to play FO3, oblivion etc. Plus do media stuff...and the fact I've been using a borrowed laptop for months now and the owner wants it back ;)
I couldn't wait until win 7 came out, I need a new pc right now. Not sure if I want to download RC1 or not, honestly. The pc is fast, works well, isn't sucking so.... I don't want to screw up a good thing.
EDIT: Reading through the posts. Get back to them after I get some sleep.
Post edited June 08, 2009 by deejrandom
What's the system specs?
michaelleung: What's the system specs?

I have an AMD athalon 64 x2 5000+ chip, nvidia 9500 video card with 1 gig of onboard memory, four gigs of memory on the mobo, 500 gigs of HD space, raidmax case. um...lots of blue lights. Lots of space to add more hard drives.
michaelleung: What's the system specs?
deejrandom: I have an AMD athalon 64 x2 5000+ chip, nvidia 9500 video card with 1 gig of onboard memory, four gigs of memory on the mobo, 500 gigs of HD space, raidmax case. um...lots of blue lights. Lots of space to add more hard drives.

4 Gigs of RAM, hmm? Maybe that's what I need so I can play GTA IV at a reasonable rate, since I have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 9800 with 512 MB, an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.16 GHz (Yes, I finally upgraded it), and 2 gigs of RAM.
Post edited June 08, 2009 by TheCheese33
deejrandom: I have an AMD athalon 64 x2 5000+ chip, nvidia 9500 video card with 1 gig of onboard memory, four gigs of memory on the mobo, 500 gigs of HD space, raidmax case. um...lots of blue lights. Lots of space to add more hard drives.
TheCheese33: 4 Gigs of RAM, hmm? Maybe that's what I need so I can play GTA IV at a reasonable rate, since I have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 9800 with 512 MB, an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.16 GHz (Yes, I finally upgraded it), and 2 gigs of RAM.

Ah yah my card is a 9500 gt. (I forgot the gt part.) I know that my system runs really really smooth, even with vista installed. ANd honestly, Memory is *so* cheap right now..might as well. IF you have the money that is. I haven't tried any really high Graphics games, since I tend to do most of that type of gaming on my xbawx, but I plan on testing it soon.
My biggest concern at the momen is my crappy internet connection. Then again...that usually is. Not the fault of the hardware or software tho.
Romulus: Congrats matey, you can now play all the disapointing FPSes which came out this year. Or you can play Unreal Tourney... at maximum settings.

I might get Unreal. I used to be very good at the original back in the day. However I am more intersted in Dragon Age and The Old REpublic from Bioware.
Romulus: Personally I didn't have much use of the sidebar (I now run 7 where it's gone, hence the past tense), or its gadgets. Now, if they were useful (like very few of the third-party Mac OS X widgets) and (almost more importantly) hid when not used (again, like in Mac OS X) I _might_ use them.

I don't have the sidebar up at the moment. As for macs: It might have a good os (And I've used it, it does the job) but honestly the hardware prices have always kept me from buying one. I ain't rich.
Weclock: [I'm sure the people who bought a new machine with Windows 95 were surprised when it didn't work like 3.1 as well.

Heck man, people that bought windows 95 were suprised with things didn't work that well with DOS.
However I am not hating vista. I will keep it and play around with it. It sure is purty and I haven't had that big of an issue with any games. The only one is Second LIfe, but I had the same issues on my old is a Bandwith issue and not a system issue.
Anyway thanks for all the congrats and I'll look in to that cleanmem thing. I am stoaked about this pc and plan on putting it through it's paces over the next two weeks (Vacation time! YAY!)
Post edited June 08, 2009 by deejrandom
Weclock: [I'm sure the people who bought a new machine with Windows 95 were surprised when it didn't work like 3.1 as well.
deejrandom: Heck man, people that bought windows 95 were suprised with things didn't work that well with DOS.
twas not me who said that.
deejrandom: nvidia 9500 video card

Interesting, don't see that card chosen all that often. Might end up struggling a bit if you throw any particularly graphically intensive games at it, although as long as your graphical needs aren't on the high side the performance/price ratio is quite good.
deejrandom: I have an AMD athalon 64 x2 5000+ chip, nvidia 9500 video card with 1 gig of onboard memory, four gigs of memory on the mobo, 500 gigs of HD space, raidmax case. um...lots of blue lights. Lots of space to add more hard drives.
TheCheese33: 4 Gigs of RAM, hmm? Maybe that's what I need so I can play GTA IV at a reasonable rate, since I have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 9800 with 512 MB, an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.16 GHz (Yes, I finally upgraded it), and 2 gigs of RAM.

2GB of ram for GTA4 is wayyyyyyyy too low.
deejrandom: Heck man, people that bought windows 95 were suprised with things didn't work that well with DOS.
Weclock: twas not me who said that.

Ah editing error, so sorry. Will the person the quote is atributed to please stand up?
deejrandom: nvidia 9500 video card
DarrkPhoenix: Interesting, don't see that card chosen all that often. Might end up struggling a bit if you throw any particularly graphically intensive games at it, although as long as your graphical needs aren't on the high side the performance/price ratio is quite good.

Well it is doing fine at the moment. At least I can upgrade now if I do need to get a new card. Basically I want to play Fallout 3..and it can do that well. Plus most PC games you can turn off what is slowing your PC down. (Case in point: I downloaded the Sacred 2 demo and turned everything to ultrahighmegacool. The frame rate dropped..then I turned of antialiasing and it works just fine now.)
I mean we are at so my gaming style isn't based on the newest graphics ;)
TheCheese33: 4 Gigs of RAM, hmm? Maybe that's what I need so I can play GTA IV at a reasonable rate, since I have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 9800 with 512 MB, an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.16 GHz (Yes, I finally upgraded it), and 2 gigs of RAM.
kuebk: 2GB of ram for GTA4 is wayyyyyyyy too low.

Yah I just have a 360 for that one. Works well on there :P
Post edited June 09, 2009 by deejrandom
deejrandom: Ah editing error, so sorry. Will the person the quote is atributed to please stand up?

That'd be me, the erroneous quote would be from the following post:
Miaghstir: I'm sure the people who bought a new machine with Windows 95 were surprised when it didn't work like 3.1 as well.
Weclock: Please edit your posts to not include people you don't intend the response to be to. :(

EDIT: yes, wec, in this case, you're actually involved somehow. I did edit you out from the other quote in this same post though, happier now?
Post edited June 09, 2009 by Miaghstir