cw8: Never had too much problems with them, must be different games that I'm playing. Mask of the Betrayer is #12 on RPGCodex's top RPGs and one of the finest writing in games I've ever played. Fallout: NV #8, and it was built on beth's crappy Fallout 3 engine, which explains the initial bugs but honestly I did not have much problems with NV, a month or 2 after launch. KOTOR2 was rushed by LA but whatever was released was a fine game nonetheless, as usual with writing and dialogue much better than the Bioware counterpart.
darthspudius: KOTOR2 had dull characters and a serious pacing problem. I would say the same for New Vegas. Lots of Dull characters, too much empty desert and very little to do. Never mind the day one bugs and glitches I put up with to play it. Can't do the usually "Blame Bethesda" shit because I never had a problem with that until the past year for some reason.
Must be really different games we play. Guess it adheres to more intellectual people such as yourself. My first playthrough for NV clocked around 93 hours, without DLC, back in 2010, I don't remember pacing around in the empty desert with nothing to do, in fact I remember having alot of fun mutilating the Legion and pleasing other factions and exploring mysterious places like Vault 11. Currently, at my 2nd playthrough, with DLC already at 50 hours and going. All the hardcore RPG folks at RPGCodex must be wrong I guess.
So backstories of Darth Traya, Nihilus, Sion and their relations with the PC were dull, nice
Tormentfan: Fallout 3 NV.. buggy mess (admittedly they hamstrung themselves with an engne from Bethesda, which they had to use obviously) gamelay was ok but far too annoying because of the many, many issues it had.
NWN2 a piss poor mess that comletely missed the point of the first.
Mask of the betrayer..ok-ish, but certainly not as good as it's bummed up to be, but they get no kudos for it considering it was their last chance to pull the mess that NWN2 was, out of the fire... it was a balls to the wall effort and it ended up 'just passable'
KOTOR2.. an incomprehsible, buggy, incomplete mess.. I have no idea at all why that game is looked on so fondly.
Basically my opinion of Obsidian is that they have great ideas but have screwed up the quality of their products so often that they're not worth giving money to anymore.
Check my reply to Darth.
NWN1's OC is a complete bore. NWN2's OC is better but not by much, and added a party system although they screwed up the custom toolset that made NWN1 great.
NWN2 MoTB is often compared to as a closest spiritual successor to Planescape Torment. And I won't disagree.
KOTOR2, I never really had a buggy playthrough, played it twice, pretty smooth. Looked on fondly for the plot, writing and different atmosphere as compared to Bioware's KOTOR, and Star Wars in general.
Tormentfan: I'm not particularly good at games, I like them but I certainly couldn't win a tourney but I stuck this one at hardcore, and despite random messing around I didn't die once, or even come close to it...
I'll agree on this point and this point only, South Park is way too easy even on the hardest difficulty. Otherwise it's a great game, though it's still short.