Posted May 17, 2011

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted May 17, 2011
Of course that's exactly what I did, heck you can just walk a few yards and use the wait function:)

The Joe
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted May 17, 2011
Like Delixe says, dont go in thinking it's a shooter. It's an RPG at it's core with shooter elements. Play it like Oblivion and you'll be fine.

Registered: Nov 2010
From Bulgaria

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted May 18, 2011
I'd say pick a weapon type you like and focus entirely on it (at least as far as weapons skills go). Small guns is probably the most versatile since its a fair while before you get your first energy or heavy weapon and with few exceptions, small guns ammo is pretty common.
In Fallout 3 ammo weighs nothing so don't be afraid of stealing all that you can in case one day you pick up a gun that uses an obscure ammo type
Be sure to nick the vault boy bobblehead in the sickbay before you leave 101 because I think thats the only time you can get it
Lockpicking is a key skill to build up if you're a real RPG player (AKA: An uncontrollable kleptomaniac)
Be sure to save regularly and alternate your save slots in case something goes tits up
Mr Burke's quest is worth doing because the ending of it is so pretty. Then again if you kill the bastard you can nick his sweet hat and silenced pistol
If you see deathclaws, RUN! Okay in 3 they're nothing like as dangerous as in New Vegas but they're still scary and dangerous
In Fallout 3 ammo weighs nothing so don't be afraid of stealing all that you can in case one day you pick up a gun that uses an obscure ammo type
Be sure to nick the vault boy bobblehead in the sickbay before you leave 101 because I think thats the only time you can get it
Lockpicking is a key skill to build up if you're a real RPG player (AKA: An uncontrollable kleptomaniac)
Be sure to save regularly and alternate your save slots in case something goes tits up
Mr Burke's quest is worth doing because the ending of it is so pretty. Then again if you kill the bastard you can nick his sweet hat and silenced pistol
If you see deathclaws, RUN! Okay in 3 they're nothing like as dangerous as in New Vegas but they're still scary and dangerous
Post edited May 18, 2011 by Aliasalpha

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted May 18, 2011
Oh yes, I learned from THAT mistake! Never go near a deathclaw unless you have the anti materiel sniper rifle and even then you should only just go within visual range

witty title
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted May 18, 2011
You could have went to kmart, picked up LA noire and got a $20 coupon PLUS fallout 3 for free (any 19.99 game).

Tech Commander
Registered: Jan 2009
From Other
Posted May 18, 2011
Another bonus from Stealth is that you can plant living mines and grenades on enemies. If successful, it kills them instantly, regardless of health or level.
My favorite way of dealing with Overlords >:]
My favorite way of dealing with Overlords >:]

Thievin' Bastard
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia

I om nom RPGs
Registered: Jul 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted May 18, 2011
-Look out for bobble heads
-Lock pick and/or science
-When investing in skills, the benefits you get from them either comes from investing points in 5’s or 10’s, you’re not going to get anything from a single point usually.
-There are a lot of hidden speech options. If you want them the obvious one is to invest points in speech but you also get extra speech options from other skills and some perks.
-Max out a weapon type although keep in mind large and energy weapons don’t really start appearing till a bit later on.
-Children are invulnerable; depending on how you play this may be important to keep in mind.
-Look out for bobble heads
-Lock pick and/or science
-When investing in skills, the benefits you get from them either comes from investing points in 5’s or 10’s, you’re not going to get anything from a single point usually.
-There are a lot of hidden speech options. If you want them the obvious one is to invest points in speech but you also get extra speech options from other skills and some perks.
-Max out a weapon type although keep in mind large and energy weapons don’t really start appearing till a bit later on.
-Children are invulnerable; depending on how you play this may be important to keep in mind.