Damuna: I think Thespian* should win. He's pretty fabulous, after all. For one, he's a thespian, and for two, his avatar is Spock, who is played by Leonard Nimoy, who is indesputably fabulous. Speaking of thespians, Nimoy worked with George Takei, who is in a musical on Broadway, which is totally fabulous. Spock was also played by Zachary Quinto, who I hear shoots rainbows out of his fingertips. Fabulous, fabulousness everywhere.
DraculaMarth: I don't know exactly what the deal with the game was but it ran at a snail's pace, had awkward aiming and the worlds, while big, seemed largely empty. Part of this could be the PS2's problem.
Then, hopefully someone else can answer your PC vs PS2 question... ;)