Cavalieroscuro: Let's take Final Fantasy VII,for example.You can customize your character thanks to Junction system,there are TONS of side-quests and you can free roaming to the world,discovering secrets,aquiring Guardian Forces etc.
A friend of mine lend me Final Fantasy XIII...and this game is bad,Oh,if this is bad...simply the story is ugly,and there is no exploration at all!It's like an on rail RPG,there's always one and only one road!Why with consolle like PS3 and 360 they didn't merge old mechanics with new graphic?Why it's all so simple?IT's me or the game,today,are really bad?
EC-: Final Fantasy XIII is not a good game. Sounds like you enjoy JRPGs. Here's a few current generation home runs. If you don't enjoy these, then I would say that only old games are your thing:
- The Last Story (Wii)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
- Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
- Eternal Sonata (X360/PS3)
- Resonance of Fate (X360/PS3)
- Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
- Tales of Vesperia (X360)
I played Eternal Sonata when a friend of mine lend me,and I liked it :)
Same for Lost Odyssey,not a masterpiece but a very good game.
I hated Last Remnant,for me is simply boring.
Of new games,I really enjoyed Alan Wake,Uncharted Saga,God of War 3 (because I loved the first two and 3 has the same gameplay with better graphic) and the PS3 version of the two PSP title.
I liked much Batman Arkham Asylum and City too.