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So I have a lot of games on Steam,as stated in another topic (actually,thanks to bundle and gift from friends or giveawayI have exactly 300 titles on Steam).
I finished some of them,like Portal 2,Darkness 2,To the Moon,the first Witcher,Braid,Myst saga etc.

But simply,I can't play new titles.After some times,about 15 minutes,I'm bored and quit the game.I have TONS of "new" game to play,but I play old titles again and again,they give me fun,like Final Fantasy VIII or MGS saga,and I never bored from these.
So...old games are REALLY better or is this simply a notalgia effect?

Let's take Final Fantasy VII,for example.You can customize your character thanks to Junction system,there are TONS of side-quests and you can free roaming to the world,discovering secrets,aquiring Guardian Forces etc.
A friend of mine lend me Final Fantasy XIII...and this game is bad,Oh,if this is bad...simply the story is ugly,and there is no exploration at all!It's like an on rail RPG,there's always one and only one road!Why with consolle like PS3 and 360 they didn't merge old mechanics with new graphic?Why it's all so simple?IT's me or the game,today,are really bad?
This whole bebate if new or old "are" better is quite ridiculous. Video games is an experience therefore 99.9% subjective. That's my opinion at least.

Just enjoy your oldies, I don't see the problem unless you've a small backlog.
Nirth: This whole bebate if new or old "are" better is quite ridiculous. Video games is an experience therefore 99.9% subjective. That's my opinion at least.

Just enjoy your oldies, I don't see the problem unless you've a small backlog.
No,it's not a problem,I wanna only "learn" somethingif it's me or new games are really worst or better then "old" ones.
Now to make a game there's need of a LOT of money and people,they costs more then some movies,but when you finish a new game...that's all,is finished.
If you are not interested in multiplayer or achievement,often that game is dead.
I liked Uncharted saga,but after I finished them I never touched the discs.
Nirth: This whole bebate if new or old "are" better is quite ridiculous. Video games is an experience therefore 99.9% subjective. That's my opinion at least.

Just enjoy your oldies, I don't see the problem unless you've a small backlog.

As somebody who played games since the late 80s I enjoy games now more than ever.

Many old games have interface issues which would never be accepted nowadays. Also, the "overall quality" of gaming has increased dramatically. However says that PC gaming is buggy nowadays never tried to get that extended EMS to work.

There are some trends I don't really like, but overall I'm very happy with the current state of gaming.
It's just you. There are a lot of very good newer titles.
Play S.P.A.Z .
I play old ones, new ones, it doesn't matter if it's a good game, but it's true that less and less new games pick my interest these days, but sometimes i get surprised. For example i didn't care for assassin's creed much and played the first one just this year for the first time and it didn't get through to me much but i started to play the second one anyway and found out it changed a lot and it got really entertaining and fun.
I also prefer playing oldies than new games. Maybe it's because I play new-ish games on a console and I'm not really fan of controllers instead of mouse and keyboard, but yeah, I like retro gaming a lot.

Of course, older games require a lot of work and time to do before playing (reading manuals is necessary, because some of them don't have things this basic today as interface tooltips to tell you what is what), but I don't get bored by oldies this much as newer games.

But as people before me said - enjoy your games. It's always about what YOU prefer, not what is played by people, etc. If playing older games gives you joy, just stick with it.

I'm playing MOHAA right now and it's amazing :D
There are a fair few new "retro-style" titles on less popular platforms as well. If you look on Desura and Indievania, you'll find quite a few games that are designed with 80s and 90s gaming principles in mind. Oniken is one I can recommend.
Licurg: Play S.P.A.Z .
You spelt Sacrifice wrong :P
Also, try out FTL. Oldschool sensibilities with a polished UI and intuitive-but-difficult gameplay.
Cavalieroscuro: Let's take Final Fantasy VII,for example.You can customize your character thanks to Junction system,there are TONS of side-quests and you can free roaming to the world,discovering secrets,aquiring Guardian Forces etc.
A friend of mine lend me Final Fantasy XIII...and this game is bad,Oh,if this is bad...simply the story is ugly,and there is no exploration at all!It's like an on rail RPG,there's always one and only one road!Why with consolle like PS3 and 360 they didn't merge old mechanics with new graphic?Why it's all so simple?IT's me or the game,today,are really bad?
Final Fantasy XIII is not a good game. Sounds like you enjoy JRPGs. Here's a few current generation home runs. If you don't enjoy these, then I would say that only old games are your thing:

- The Last Story (Wii)
- Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
- Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
- Eternal Sonata (X360/PS3)
- Resonance of Fate (X360/PS3)
- Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
- Tales of Vesperia (X360)
There are a lot of really, really good new titles. And some of the "immortal classics" I've tried playing really don't hold up well at all, for me. I recently tried to replay FFVII, which I guess you view as a masterpiece. I forget how far I got before I said, "This is stupid" and gave up. Maybe midway through?

But my point isn't that you're "wrong" to not like newer games, and I'm certainly not "wrong" to dislike some of the older ones I like; these things are so subjective, that trying to make definitive statements ("New games are awesome, you just have terrible taste!" "You're right, games were better back in the olden days!") is pointless; trends appear and vanish, genre conventions shift, new generations bring their own ideas to the table and reject the some of the ideas of the older generations. And maybe you like it and maybe you don't. Play the games you enjoy.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by BadDecissions
Licurg: Play S.P.A.Z .
shane-o: You spelt Sacrifice wrong :P
Nice one.

So now Licurg has two games to promote!

Although, maybe it's because he already says it in his forum title...
Post edited October 02, 2012 by staticblast
I'm in a similar position. When I play new games I gawk at the graphics and (Usually.) new stuff for a couple hours. Then I lose interest and play a old game instead.
There are a few exceptions, Skyrim comes to mind (I logged a lot of hours in it even before I started using mods.) but they are not many.

In my case I don't think it's the games though. I've found that I'm getting more and more picky and less tolerant with things I don't like in games. There are so many games to play and I don't have as much time as before to play them so if a game rub me wrong I just play one I know I like instead.

It's the same with films. If the film doesn't click with me for say the first fifteen minutes I stop watching. If I still want to watch a film I watch one I know I like (Because I have watched it before or it's made by a favourite Director/Actor/Something that never fail to entertain me.).