Posted October 10, 2013
This game is balls to the wall hard at the end,because right to the final battle I had to switch the difficulty to Easy mode because by than I ran out of all my med kits.
Review, Spoilers Included:
This game was fun nonetheless and of course its story to a certain degree. I am intrigued with the concept of 2 different antagonist from 2 very different extremes: Individualism vs Hive-Minded, Flesh vs Machine, basically SHODAN and The Many is Skynet/Matrix vs Zerg/Flood, and I like that because most fiction the machines are always this superior force, but this shows the meat/flesh creatures are just as powerful, and my cybornetic protaginist is caught in the middle of ths.
Also I never really had a problem with the weapon degradation, yeah it runs out fast, but later on you get repair tools more often.
And I am starting to look the other in terms of how scary this game is, but the fear mostly comes from the many traps and powerful enemies and the scarce ammo this game has instead of the enviornment, and most of the soundtrack (while good) is not really dread inducing (but there are a few) but sadly I still find Bioshock 1 scarier just in terms of enviornments, Rapture is just spookier.
I am dissipointed with The Many boss fight, mostly because I just arrive their with no build-up unlike when you fall down to face SHODAN herself.
And my goodness the character models look terrible, Half Life 1 had better models than this, I know its based on the Thief 1 and 2 engine but come on you don't have to complete use it.
All in all good game and thanks GOG for bringing this game here after more than 50,000 votes ;)
Review, Spoilers Included:
This game was fun nonetheless and of course its story to a certain degree. I am intrigued with the concept of 2 different antagonist from 2 very different extremes: Individualism vs Hive-Minded, Flesh vs Machine, basically SHODAN and The Many is Skynet/Matrix vs Zerg/Flood, and I like that because most fiction the machines are always this superior force, but this shows the meat/flesh creatures are just as powerful, and my cybornetic protaginist is caught in the middle of ths.
Also I never really had a problem with the weapon degradation, yeah it runs out fast, but later on you get repair tools more often.
And I am starting to look the other in terms of how scary this game is, but the fear mostly comes from the many traps and powerful enemies and the scarce ammo this game has instead of the enviornment, and most of the soundtrack (while good) is not really dread inducing (but there are a few) but sadly I still find Bioshock 1 scarier just in terms of enviornments, Rapture is just spookier.
I am dissipointed with The Many boss fight, mostly because I just arrive their with no build-up unlike when you fall down to face SHODAN herself.
And my goodness the character models look terrible, Half Life 1 had better models than this, I know its based on the Thief 1 and 2 engine but come on you don't have to complete use it.
All in all good game and thanks GOG for bringing this game here after more than 50,000 votes ;)