Posted April 03, 2011
Twilight: wait, what? I love The Fountain, but I didn't really notice a connection, except from having a few parallel storylines.
AndrewC: Maybe I just read to much into it; I was referring to the aspect of locking your lover into your memories and your inner world. In Inception it was pretty explicit and up front, as the main character couldn't let go of the representation of his lover, while in The Fountain, despite being more of a love story taking place across time, I read it as a desperate attempt to keep the one you love from dying by connecting with them on that deep emotional level and doing anything for them. I mean, both were about not being willing to let go, but where Inception took the easy way out (she's dead but keeps haunting him), The Fountain took the more philosophical route (just how much are you willing to give to keep the one you care about).
But yet again, maybe I'm waaaay off the mark with that.