keeveek: You don't ge the point/. More options not always mean a better game and Freelancer is a great example of that.
Yes, more options does not automagically mean a better game. But neither does it mean that if a game isn't working for you, it sucks. You pretty much went into Freelancer expecting a Starlancer 2 - wrong expectations != bad game.
keeveek: Freelancer is meh in pretty much everything it does. Even Darkstar One is better.
You lost all credibility here and that's coming from someone who loved Darkstar One. It was praised to be the "next Freelancer" and pretty much failed achieving that across the board - the net is still full documenting exactly that.
keeveek: Just allow me to not like this game.
Sure. Just allow others to actually like it for what it did. Remember, you're the one starting the rant.
keeveek: and if you don't like comparing related but different games, I'd just say - Darkstar One is better, Privateer is better, X3 is better than Freelancer.
.... for the sake of it, start at least TRYING to be objective.
Privateer? Great game, played it longer then all other Wing Commanders together. However, it was based on the original WC 1 and 2 which had.... pretty clunky combat that in no way can stand up against later games, be it Freespace, Starlancer, Freelancer, whatever.
X3? Sure. But go for X2 which came out about the same time as Freelancer and check how it was received - Freelancer wins.