Blaze72: One thing i hate about Steam is, How you "HAVE TO" download a patch update before playing the game
shouldn't the game be already updated in the first place.
Cormoran: Right click the games name on your games list, scroll down the popup list and left click on properties.
in the box that pops up click on the updates tab, left click the box that states "Always keep this game up to date", scroll down and left click on the option "Do not automatically update this game".
that should take care of your issue.
Actually no that will not work. See, all that does is make it so that Steam does not automatically update the game, as in the game is not updated the instant Steam sees an update exists. HOWEVER Steam will not allow a game that is not current to run. Thus, upon attempting to launch the game Steam
forces a manual update. It quite literally is update this game or you cannot play it.
It is also bothersome that as Blaze said it is quite possible to purchase a game, download the game, and then be forced to update the game in order to play it. One would think Steam would have a patched and up to date version all ready to go and waiting in the wings for those without the base installed yet.