Posted August 31, 2012

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted August 31, 2012

Seriously, technology keeps developing. That's not a conspiracy, that's simply how it works. Unless you keep up with the times, you end up with a computer that cannot run pretty much anything. Complaining that your single-core CPU cannot run virtually any game released in the last two years is like complaining that your horse doesn't go very fast even though you pour petrol into it.
This idiotic mantra is now my favourite example of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by bazilisek

Zug Zug!
Registered: Sep 2010
From New Zealand
Posted August 31, 2012

And most people WILL be able to run games designed exclusively for Win 8 because most people don't know better and will have 8 on their systems at launch. *grins*

Post edited August 31, 2012 by carnival73

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted August 31, 2012

Which, you could argue and I would mostly agree, is something of a lost art these days. Particularly indie studios often do not have the programming chops to pull that off (optimising is hard and requires pretty advanced skills compared to just making shit happen on the screen), so many low-budget games tend to run rather poorly even on relatively beefy hardware.

Zug Zug!
Registered: Sep 2010
From New Zealand
Posted August 31, 2012

Which, you could argue and I would mostly agree, is something of a lost art these days. Particularly indie studios often do not have the programming chops to pull that off (optimising is hard and requires pretty advanced skills compared to just making shit happen on the screen), so many low-budget games tend to run rather poorly even on relatively beefy hardware.
1. Lack of optimization skills - but if you ever studied Blender most of the tutorials go through myriads of demonstrations as to how critical it is and the difference between implementing a model made from Sculptris or one that has had it's details meticulously ran through a baking process (as one example).
2. Tech support knows their game will run on older setups but don't want to have to deal with troubleshooting those older rigs might cause.
3. Microsoft has made it easier (for instance I can only purchase commercial registration for ModTools if I belong to XNA) to use XNA to develop and M$ being biased to 'MS' defaults XNA into kicking out productions requiring the latest Microsoft OS to run.
I do recall, however, that if the developer truly knows what they are doing, there's a way to option XNA compiled games to be backwards compatible.
But like most people will have Win 8 in 2014 because it will default on the petition of their new 'puters - XNA appears to default settings for respecting the latest OS rather it disregards Microsoft's previous works.
And you have to wonder about a company that admits that it's operating systems are crap by bringing out a new one every three years and trying to get the message across to scrap the last..
Remember - Sega made consoles one time not so long ago.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by carnival73

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted August 31, 2012
People like you are maybe 5% of the target group. Why on earth should companies bother with your requests? If you would simply saved the money of those 80 games you can't play you would nearly be there with a new rig.
I paid 500€ in 2009 for a rig and I can play every game released. Some even on very high settings. I upgraded my graphics card as my other was to loud and since then I can play new games even on high settings without a problem.
Seriously, give the developers a break. It is hard enough to develop a game for current PC, spending hours and hours (and thousands of dollars) so that some Windows 2000 machine can play it is a pointless endeavour.
I paid 500€ in 2009 for a rig and I can play every game released. Some even on very high settings. I upgraded my graphics card as my other was to loud and since then I can play new games even on high settings without a problem.
Seriously, give the developers a break. It is hard enough to develop a game for current PC, spending hours and hours (and thousands of dollars) so that some Windows 2000 machine can play it is a pointless endeavour.

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted August 31, 2012
Hence why we really need a "Winbox" akin to Dosbox, but it will likely never happen due to licensing issues. Which is balls.

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted August 31, 2012

Zug Zug!
Registered: Sep 2010
From New Zealand
Posted August 31, 2012

Or realize that I should probably progress my tastes along with the hardware and finally realize it's a bit silly to go around seeking games with graphics and gameplay dating that far back anyway. XD

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic
Posted August 31, 2012

Incidentally, I'm probably going to buy and install Windows 8 on my primary machine before the year is out, and the last game I finished a few weeks ago was Ultima IV (1985). There's no conflict between the two.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by bazilisek

what's a paladin
Registered: Jun 2011
From Brazil
Posted August 31, 2012

That game works even on xp, according to the official system requirements. I don't even know what he's talking about.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by Neobr10

Registered: Sep 2008
From Germany
Posted August 31, 2012
Hate... such a strong emotion. "Just" do not use that service anymore. *sigh* I wish that even a quarter of all these steam complainers would man up and just don't use it anymore.
Yeah, you will miss some games. Big ones. Franchises you love. But from experience I can tell you that it does not hurt anymore after you managed to ignore first few. If you still go there while complaining how much it sucks: Sorry; you are a whiny weakling!
Edit/Clarification: That goes just to the complainers. NOT to those which use steam and enjoy it.
Yeah, you will miss some games. Big ones. Franchises you love. But from experience I can tell you that it does not hurt anymore after you managed to ignore first few. If you still go there while complaining how much it sucks: Sorry; you are a whiny weakling!
Edit/Clarification: That goes just to the complainers. NOT to those which use steam and enjoy it.
Post edited August 31, 2012 by anothername

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted August 31, 2012
I should probably point out that I don't actually believe that the even-numbered Star Trek films are crap. I actually liked Insurrection, The Final Frontier and Generations. The even-numbered thing is a sci-fi in-joke.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted August 31, 2012

I like all the Star Trek movies, because I am super fanboy man, but even I admit the odd-numbered ones are surprisingly the bottom 5, easily.